Linux Installation on Apple iBook G3/500 Dual USB

So I recently obtained an Apple iBook G3 from a neighbor. She want me to get it running so she can get on Facebook and play her Pepper Panic game online. Problem is, it has Mac OS 9.2 with the mac version of Internet Explorer 5. Sadly for me, I don’t have any blank CD’s laying around. So I have to resort to a flash drive. I am working on trying to get Debian running on it seeing the CPU is a PowerPC G3 @500Mhz. This laptop also has 384MB of ram on it and a Apple Airport B Wireless card in it. So, network connectivity is very limited as I have a N Wireless router from my ISP so the stupid thing can’t connect to the internet unless it’s plugged in. So I really need some help on this so I can get this fucking thing out of my house (Anti-Apple here). So any help would be greatly appriciated

That's some hardcore legacy stuff. Sourcing a second hand ultracheap laptop would be easier lol

Ubuntu will run on it, but you're going to need a CD. They don't support USB boot.

damn it.... I'm also going to need something lighter then ubuntu

Nothing that I know of. Have a look around the interwebs.

You're going to need a PowerPC specific linux Yellowdog (sp?) was the only one I knew about when I was looking around for them. I happily discovered I didn't need to worry about that, though, so yay for me sorry for you.