Linux hate thread

My idea of the threads is to siphon the hate in them and hopefully not spread in the forum.


Was a good idea. Let everyone vent and have a good laugh at the same time. :wink:


you want a timer on these or nah

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You cannot sedate all the things you hate.

I don’t know let them be without a timer for now and we will figure it out in the next few days.

true but why keep bad feelings when you can share them with us :smiley:

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That’s what you think.

ODs on alprazolam

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An hrtimer would be nice

That some programs who work and behave rationally in windows is behaving irrationally on Linux. I’ll give an example:
Vmware on windows - you can place the vm on any disk you please. No problem.
On Linux, that’s not possible without configuring, because for some goddamn reason, it doesn’t have permission to save the vm any other place than some where in /etc/…
I mean, what could possible be destroyed by the program having permission to save where I want it to… The same issue is the same with kvm/qemu/virt-manager. Whichever is the actual vm component…

When people say …

" I tried Linux. And it SUCKS!"

Well …

I tried to do a cartwheel.

And I learned two things …

  1. I can’t blame the cartwheel because I can’t do one.
  2. At 65, I’m just to damn old to do cartwheels.

The persona mentioned by a few here of the unhelpful help, it’s so common it’s a stereotype and when I run into condescending “you are not my level nor do you know how to ask in exactly the format I require so I will rub salt on an open wound and post a sh#t eating reply instead of answering/guiding or nothing at all” types in other walks of life I think “oh how linux duchebaggy that person was”. Its a benchmark, for example if I went to a slack group that gives regex help and their reply is “read this guide” I would think “oh how linux forum of them”. Thankfully that particular group has been the total opposite- if the Linux forums were more like that regex group we would have world Peace lolz.

Yes they are not getting paid to help, but one could swear they were getting paid to surf those forums to sh#t on people. When I became extremely proficient in a car platform, it’s mods and ecu tuning, if a newb asked a rediculous and obvious research lazy question I wouldnt jump at scorning them- I wouldn’t reply at all.

Like the old saying goes, “if you do not have something nice to say, then say nothing at all”.

All that said, that’s just focusing on the bad. Thankfully for every ass-hat reply or two I see on an Ubuntu forum, I see a super helpful reply or two. I feel the vast majority are great people, but it’s a few very verbal asshats that tarnish many a newbs experience.


what about cheat, tldr and bropages?


I spent 2 hours trying to run mkfs.xfs getting back “command not found” , finding the command in /sbin, researching symbolic links and remaking them before I realized i was typing “makefs.xfs” the entire time. I HATE LINUX.


Don’t hate Linux but I hate that manjaro doesn’t install net-tools as a default package.

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These are neat, thanks for bringing them up.

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I use Linux Daily at work. 8-10 hours a day. With that said, i HATE the fact Linux can not just freakin’ work on a Desktop.
Why can’t we have Linux but with the compatibility of Windows. Why do i have to choose between an OS i don’t want, and one i have to constantly babysit to make work at home. Especially with Gaming, but not only with that, it’s a constant battle of cutting edge software and things breaking on update to make software work that isn’t supposed to run on your chosen OS.

I hate the FSF party-line that unless everything is ‘free’ you are not doing it properly.

I hate the pragmatists who espouse all the benefits of FOSS and why we should all be running Linux and open source on the desktop, but then practically wet themselves when Google, Steam or Adobe hints that yet more proprietary non-free software might soon be available for Linux.

The former border on being like a cult, the later just seem like a fan-boy circle-jerk who actually just hate Windows, and don’t really care about FOSS.

…did I manage to upset everyone :smiley:


I’m a fascist commie and only use linux because Linus is a swedish-speaking finn, and software is too expensive anyways.
Also I hate other OSes that are capitalist.
I also hate cats.
That one’s for Ryan.
Oh and I use Arch btw.

Lol. Now I don’t really ‘care’ about FOSS as an ideology, nor can I code. But I do strongly believe in the scientific method.

Anywho I do hate the lack of some quality tools and the fragmentation.
So many man hours wasted when devs are fixing the same issues.

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Isn’t there a decent middleground? I care about FOSS. And i do care about the goals the FSF stands for.
I also recognize that we aren’t there yet and won’t be for a long time. I’m pragmatic enough to recognize only using FOSS is impossible at the moment.
Can’t i support a cause and like it’s goals without committing 100% to a lifestyle? Maybe this makes me a hypocrit, but i don’t care. I’ve got stuff to do.

And yes, i hate that a lot of the Linux community acts like only FOSS is the true way and you should be dammned for using anything else. Heck, you need to duck if you state that the command line is not the best thing ever invented and everything should be done in terminal :wink:


Sounds like you are in it - especially if incoming flak surrounds you :smiley:


Fuck major distros that don’t include the option to have all the drivers installed properly. What the fuck is wrong with a properly optimized system. Stupid floss devs… Fuck ubuntu as well…

PopOS ftw …

Okay in all seriousness the Linus driver situation drives me up the wall. I can and may do everything on my own distribution that pop os does but ffs why do I need to do a trillion things in a script for mediocre functiofuckonality