Linux: Formating disk does not remove bootloader partition?

My laptop i recently replaced the hdd with a second ssd and
installed manjaro linux on that drive
(dualboot windows on first ssd),

Some time later i intentionally wanted to clear the solid state and do a fresh install, so i booted the live environment and unformatted the drive to unallocated space. however, when i reboot on that drive, grub still boots up with a message the operating system is not found (obviously).

I dont know how do i get rid of this

So you have two SSDs? Grub will be on the boot SSD which im guessing isnt the one you wiped?

(offtopic slightly) If your clearing SSDs you may want to use hdparm instead as it will reset the entire drive to its factory settings. It will wipe the memory which removing your partitions doesnt do.

Correct two SSDs.

One Windows 10
Other one Majaro

but... i disabled the windows ssd in bios before installing manjaro
so the bootloader is on the same drive

How did you format your drive?
Did you use a gui like kde partition manager or granted, or did you use the console?

used gparted and deleted all partitions