Linux for gaming?. If Steam come through with there ports

So news is that steam maybe finally going to linux about time, but for all us gamers who use windows will it be worth us to move over to linux? i mean i personally think its a better OS than windows, i like that its free, you can do what you want to linux and there are some nice games in its personal app store 

Anyways id like your personal opinion on this, even if it has been asked before, is it worth reinstalling everything for a free OS?.


its linux... the best part about the os is you dont "reinstall everything". most desktop distros come with everything you would need pre installed. example: mint comes with VLC for movies (and music if you want), banchee for music, open office, gimp, firefox, and a bunch of other shit i never use.

if steam comes to linux, developers will start pushing linux development more, and windows will be used less and less.

"windows will be used less and less"

I think windows 8 will do that enough

I have - and will always have - Windows OS on my gaming PCs. However, on "lesser" PCs or mainstream laptops, Linux would be the ultimate solution since I only do casual gaming on them. Having Steam and the Source-engine games on Linux just adds another +1 to the list :)

But for gaming - Windows is the way to go.

Redoing life in Linux in a Windows world.....I would switch so fast that Bill would get a friction burn.

To get away from expensive bloatware, it would be a dream fulfilled.  I have been waiting patiently for steam to start porting it's games to ANY Linux distro for years now, and finally, with much thought and discussion with their customers Valve has decided that this would be worth a try.  I use Windows only because most of my software was written for this overloaded, bloated, code fiasco.   But now I will be building a machine like this one to test out the Ubuntu port of Left 4 Dead 2, Or just point the boot to a fresh Disk and load it in there and go from there......My games are the only reason I use Windows since Good programs for what I do are now free on Linux, Open Office, video and picture editing,  all freeware....Free is good, Free=more money for hardware, even though it will run on Older hardware it runs on newer like you always wanted Microsofts stuff to do.....Rock steady.

I can imagine a Windows free world, I am so ready.

In a few years, I'll probably never think about using Windows ever again.

I know this thread is kinda old, but here's some official news regarding Steam for Linux.

If I get at least half my catalog of games on Steam (really unlikely) I'd make the switch to Linux... but right now there is just too much that needs Windows to play.

Still excited to see how this develops though! I love how they got the Linux version running better than the Windows version too... OpenGL deserves more credit.

See also:

i must say, im looking forward to completely switching to linux, and also extremely ready, good thing is, linux is 1 lighter than windows, 2 doesnt need crapware and 3 you can install the patches you wish to install, like on my linux i have pre-load, adding to this goodness is no need for anti-virus bogging ur system down, altho i personally dont see a system slow down, its nice to have that slight little bit of memory.

So lets hope this becomes a windows free world! if not free, a slightly less windows based world

Linux as a server OS is great, it does the job and it does it very good. However as a desktop OS I feel like it isn't mature yet, it feels sluggish and full of bugs at times. A lot of things don't work on it, there just isn't enough stuff out there for enthusiasts.

Steam on Linux would be nice for the people that don't like Windows, but it will have so few games that it won't be worth the switch. 

I like Windows and have no problems with it ever, enjoy using it and think it is a gaming platform that Linux will never be.

Windows 8 isn't bad either, just needs better driver support.

OK, one company porting its game to Linux is one thing, but having every major game company develop for and support Linux is a far-fetched idea. That, and DirectX is still way better for extreme fidelity games like Crysis over OpenGL. It will be a LONG time before gaming is mature on Linux. (I'm talking core gaming, not casual)

Well, I'll be running a dual boot anyway.. All my Windows partition will be seeing is gaming, while the Linux will be used for everything else. So if more and more games come to Linux.. Windows will be used less and less.