Linux distro help

I want a debian based distro that starts in terminal mode with optional gui log in like raspbian does. Of course I am going to want to run this on normal pc. I suggested debian packages because of the huge ubuntu support that is just fancified debian. Thank you!!

Install any linux distro, then disable the login manager service.

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googled it and no clear tut is out there

On any distro, it's simple. What you want to do is run in level 3, which doesn't start x.

To do that, all you do is add "3" to your boot parameter line (initramfs).

An alternative is to switch tty, which you can do in any session. Maybe that's what you're looking for. You switch tty with ctrl-alt-Fn, with n=the tty number you want to switch to.

I have to do this daily with chromeOS. Why did I not think to add that to my reply? Hah.

and how do i add this 3?