Linux Captain's Log - Ongoing Progress - Blog/Help/Conversation

I've decided to make a post that I will update and add to periodically. I don't want to just puke my thoughts all over the forum (though my questions will find their way to the helpdesk), as I figure that's supremely annoying to many experienced users, but I want to share some of my experience using Linux. If you feel like chatting or are learning Linux as well, come hang out!

So I've been using Fedora 25 Workstation for about 13 hours now. I don't mean that I installed it and have had it on this computer for 13 hours. Today around lunchtime I installed it and I've been using it basically non-stop since. I feel comfortable on this computer now (an Asus UX21A that I picked up on eBay for this purpose), and I'm starting to see the appeal of why folks are so enthusiastic about Linux.

It really is a completely different computing philosophy when compared to Windows. I don't feel like anything is hidden from me. There's a lot more to pay attention to, but all the answers to my questions, troubleshooting problems, configuration issues, etc. are somewhere under the surface. I have a system with working wi-fi, usable Chrome, Steam, Spotify, and, much to my pleasure, working MATLAB/Simulink, which means I can reasonably carry this laptop as my daily driver when I'm back on campus in about a week. Other than heavy gaming and SolidWorks, I feel I can use this computer for most of my daily stuff.

A question: Are there any projects or tasks I ought to take on that would help me to grow in experience and knowledge? I wanted to spend so much time today figuring things out, but I found myself often having no clue what to do or how to go about that.


It really depends on exactly want to achieve.

However I think after learning the basics and if you have time, you could learn making scripts since in the process you will find several command line applications and you can use the scripts automatize repetitive tasks. This seems to be a good starting point for shell commands and shell scripts.


I've mostly been focusing on trying to use terminal for everything I can. The GUI is there, but I'm trying to get used to launching and terminating programs, checking system status, etc. all from the terminal.

A question. I'm having WiFi cutout issues. Is there a place I can go to to easily check network traffic and network related processes?

nethogs shows bandwidth used by individual processes.

There are other tools here.

It is an older article, do not know if the commands still work or are available anymore.

yes most of the cmds work you just have to install and configure if needed I use them my self just not everyday and htop is another good one for mon the processor and activities on the server /machine istall (sudo apt-get install htop) if you are using apt services. also this link is good for a few wifi but iam not using wfi on my server
good luck also this link is newer and give a better ref