Linux Build

Can someone help me with building a PC that has good compatibility with Linux? I think Nvidia are the best for Linux.

Also it would be nice if it could be in the NZXT H630, I really like the aesthetics of that case.

The budget is around £450. I don't need monitors, keyboard/mouse or anything like that.

Thanks :-)

What would you be doing on your Linux build?

regardless... for 450 you're pretty handcuffed into buying price/performance regardless...

That's about as cheap as you're going to get buying quality parts... if you won't be emulating windows for gaming, you could certainly knock the GPU down a few pegs...

I don't run Linux, so I can't officially comment, but I've heard AMD CPUs/GPUs operate more fluently with it, which makes sense from a GPU standpoint using OpenCL

At least from my understanding, nVidia has the best closed source drivers, but AMD has open source drivers that are better than everything else.

The problem is some people say nVidia, others say AMD, so I'm probably completely wrong. But at least from what I've read this seems to be the best conclusion I could draw.

what the rig's primary use?

Whoops, I forgot to add that to the op.

Some light gaming (Counter-Strike: Source and Team Fortress Classic), compiling a lot of code and watching HD films