Linux Broken Python Files

I was having issue with GPU. Now i realize there was different methods to install it, in a website i saw a command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa but when run it, it gave my some python line problems. So i was trying to install another methods. But i guess if its not added in the repo it is a problem, and it might be the source of it.

I realize the python didnt installed or while removing/updating the nvidia, its removed.

How can i install python properly with depencies/utils/tools and make sure ?

–GPU problem in hashcat:–

Failed to initialize NVIDIA RTC library.

* Device #1: CUDA SDK Toolkit not installed or incorrectly installed.
             CUDA SDK Toolkit required for proper device support and utilization.
             Falling back to OpenCL runtime.

Can you paste the errors you are getting here?

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i.e paste the Python stacktrace or complaint.

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This is what im trying to run:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
and this is the output of error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository", line 362, in <module>
    sys.exit(0 if addaptrepo.main() else 1)
  File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository", line 345, in main
    shortcut = handler(source, **shortcut_params)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/", line 40, in shortcut_handler
    return handler(shortcut, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/", line 86, in __init__
    if self.lpppa.publish_debug_symbols:
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/", line 126, in lpppa
    self._lpppa = self.lpteam.getPPAByName(name=self.ppaname)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/", line 113, in lpteam
    self._lpteam = self.lp.people(self.teamname)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'people'

Something’s wrong with your system’s Python packages. Did you do anything regarding python beforehand (i.e. use pip to install software)?

Are you using Debian?

I dont think so, maybe installing pip -requirements from a website. Not intentionally for something. I always use apt install. Yes its Debian

Ah. That’s your issue. Disregard my previous messages. PPAs (Personal Package Archives) are usually meant for and tested against Ubuntu - not Debian. It’s probably best to install the Nvidia driver a different way on Debian.

What’s the output of lsb_release -sc?

No LSB modules are available.

Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. What GPU do you have?

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Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 Ti.
inxi -G output:

  Device-1: NVIDIA GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] driver: nvidia v: 535.129.03
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: driver: X: loaded: nvidia
    gpu: nvidia,nvidia-nvswitch resolution: 1: N/A 2: 1920x1080~60Hz
  API: OpenGL v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 535.129.03 renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

lsmod | grep nvidia output:

nvidia_uvm           1536000  0
nvidia_drm             77824  6
nvidia_modeset       1310720  10 nvidia_drm
nvidia              56705024  518 nvidia_uvm,nvidia_modeset
drm_kms_helper        204800  1 nvidia_drm
drm                   614400  10 drm_kms_helper,nvidia,nvidia_drm
video                  65536  2 asus_wmi,nvidia_modeset

lsmod | grep nouveau output:


K. I didn’t expect it to be so old tbh. I am researching to see if it’s still supported by the latest Nvidia Linux driver. If it isn’t, then the installation path is pretty simple… hopefully.

1050 Ti is that old ? Vaov. Can i try nvidia-prime or Cuda Zone installition ?
Maybe installing that dependencies:

sudo apt-get install freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev

I don’t know tbh. This being Nvidia hardware on Linux means that it isn’t that straight forward. It’s much easier installing Nvidia drivers on Windows imo.

Try this:

  1. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

  2. sudo apt install dirmngr ca-certificates software-properties-common apt-transport-https dkms curl -y

  3. curl -fSsL | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-drivers.gpg > /dev/null 2>&1

  4. echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-drivers.gpg] /' | sudo te /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-drivers.list

  5. sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-driver nvidia-smi nvidia-settings

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  1. step sudo te << is problem sudo te command is not found

I installed Cuda and now my output is:

hashcat (v6.2.6) starting in backend information mode

CUDA Info:

CUDA.Version.: 12.2

Backend Device ID #1 (Alias: #2)
  Name...........: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
  Processor(s)...: 6
  Clock..........: 1480
  Memory.Total...: 4035 MB
  Memory.Free....: 3610 MB
  Local.Memory...: 48 KB
  PCI.Addr.BDFe..: 0000:01:00.0

OpenCL Info:

OpenCL Platform ID #1
  Vendor..: NVIDIA Corporation
  Name....: NVIDIA CUDA
  Version.: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 12.2.147

  Backend Device ID #2 (Alias: #1)
    Type...........: GPU
    Vendor.ID......: 32
    Vendor.........: NVIDIA Corporation
    Name...........: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
    Version........: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA
    Processor(s)...: 6
    Clock..........: 1480
    Memory.Total...: 4035 MB (limited to 1008 MB allocatable in one block)
    Memory.Free....: 3584 MB
    Local.Memory...: 48 KB
    OpenCL.Version.: OpenCL C 1.2 
    Driver.Version.: 535.129.03
    PCI.Addr.BDF...: 01:00.0

The error/problem:

cuLinkAddData(): the provided PTX was compiled with an unsupported toolchain.

* Device #1: Kernel /usr/share/hashcat/OpenCL/ link failed. Error Log:

ptxas application ptx input, line 9; fatal   : Unsupported .version 8.3; current version is '8.2'

* Device #1: Kernel /usr/share/hashcat/OpenCL/ build failed.

Which one should i remove ? :slight_smile:

Sorry for my laziness but im trying the resolve this and looking the screen for 1 and a half day. I resolve the issue. Cuda and Nvidia drivers are not same / supported. Cuda or Nvidia coming from back. How can i equalize it ?

Here are the some links:

Also find out something like this but didnt able to get it right :slight_smile: im so cozy right now and didnt want to mess it up: