Is anyone able to configure an audio player in Linux like Logan did with Foobar2000?
The closest thing I found was Sayonara player but the website for it seems to be down I was also looking at DeaDBeeF. I've been trying and trying to get it to look the same as Foobar2000 but can't. A quick google image search of DeaDBeeF and I see other options/setups I have no idea how people got them Thanks Thinking of switching from Windows. I'm very new to Linux, just trying it out right now and seeing if I can get out of it the same things I get from Windows. The biggest obstacle right now being a music player
Also, you can get Foobar working under linux. Getting access to your music (depending on where it's stored) isn't hard, in logan's case, it was on a NAS, and we had to do some under the hood network mapping.
Foobar working through WINE, right? I might just end up doing that. I was hoping to use a Linux based music player but they just don't seem to look the same as the way Logan has Foobar and I can't get any of them to look like it either
Try DeaDBeeF. It's probably the closest you'll get to a native Foobar clone and works well by its own rite. The plugin support isn't as large, but it's workable.
Foobar through wine does not work the same way a native music player works.
Although you can enable things like wasapi or asio, it does not matter because you are still introducing a certain amount of latency with the wine layer.
So yes, it does work, but not as well as it would work on windows.
If you want something that has a similar lay out to logans player, then you need to be looking at banshee.
It has 3 main panels where you can choose from artist, album, and song.
The main drawback of banshee is that development is stupid slow. So it is not the prettiest nor is it the best functioning music player, but it is one of the easiest to manage.
The next one is tomahawk. It is very pretty, but it is a little bit more difficult to navigate.
Lastly the default gnome 3 music app works very well. It is very straight forward and does not leave too much to be desired.
It is basically itunes, except it actually works and does not get in your way.
Well, I'm sort of, kind of getting something that resembles it using DeaDBeeF I just need to fill in the three empty, grey areas with Genre, Artist, Albums This is for Artist but I have no idea how to install it (still very new to Linux) but I'll keep trying to figure it out If anyone out there has any suggestions on how to make DeaDBeeF look more like Foobar in the video posted above, it would be appreciated :)