Linux and RAID0

Hi guys, i would love to learn using linux, and i followed logan in the choice of distro and interface, i tried others, liked none this much... maybe a little bit elementary but... it seems a bit old to me so... ok no more useless worlds, this is my actual problem:
i have 2 SSDs in RAID0 and i had Win7 running on them fine, then i tried installing ubuntu 14.04.2 + Gnome on the RAID0 alongside windows. Ubuntu didn't showed the RAID0 as a single disk so i set 2 partitions as /boot (wrong thing to do) {[explanation: setup: raid0 of the 2 ssds, partitioned like this: win reserved, actual win partition, "third" partition where i tried installing linux)(so i set the third partitions on both ssds (not seen as one big raid0 disk in ubuntu partition manager) as /boot]}

Now it seems i have installed linux on a third drive where i usually keep data (and format this disk... i don't remember to have set this things to be done) anyway, in the middle of the installation a error pops and says that GRUB couldn't be installed, so i click install later, after all the installation process i tried following guides to install grub but it couldn't be bone apparently.
so, now, i can't access windows, i can't install GRUB, i have formatted the disk i used for data storage but for shure not the raid or windows partition on it (in ubuntu i can open it and all windows things and my things on the raid are there) and also ubuntu can't access the internet over my asus n-15 wireless adapter, connect: yes, use: not.

I am asking just how to make windows boot again, if it is possible without reinstalling it (backup was on the formatted data hdd) to repair this mess and try again.

And, if is possible, can you explain how i install that flavor of linux on a partition on the RAID0 alongside win7?

Thanks and sorry for my messy awful english explication
Please ask for clarifications


Your raid likely didn't appear correctly because hardware raid drivers and linux don't always mix very well. Usually an easy way to raid in linux is to create a software raid, where the raid is handled on the software rather than the hardware side. I use this for raid0 in one of my servers that's been running for years and it works great. There are plenty of guides on how to do this, this one should be pretty relevant for you.

hehe, i have quote the opposite experience with raids under linux. Software part tends to break apart; and hardware seems to work correctly.

yes, i know but i already have that for windows, is there any way to boot from windows so i can savage the data on the raid?