Linux and High DPI displays

I cannot for the life of me find a Linux distro that correctly scales to my laptops display. I know OS X and Windows inside and out, and I want to get more familiar with Linux but the lack of high DPI Linux support is putting me off. Whether virtualized or actually booting into the OS, High DPI settings make some items absolutely massive and some incredibly tiny.

Not using display scaling results in either running at native resolution (which is impossible to see) or running under resolution at 1440x900 or 1680x1050 which results in a blurry and pixelated picture.

Is there any solution to this problem, or is high dpi support in Linux simply not ready for prime time? I have tried Linux Mint and Ubuntu, my screen resolution is 2560x1600.

What exactly do you mean?

I am staring at a 23.6 inch 4K monitor and my scaling works fine.

Unless I am dumb or something, I also wanna say that scaling is handled by your desktop environment. ie Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, and so on.

And actually, what I recommend is that you try one of the numix icon themes. They have a really nice scaleable icon folder that does an excellent job of matching the scaling.


Some useful links (they may have redundant information tho):
High-DPI displays and Linux
How to make Linux's desktop look good on high-resolution displays
Improving Linux HiDPI Support For Gnome, KDE, Xfce, Cinnamon And Firefox
Adapt Ubuntu to a high-DPI resolution screen

I'm running Mint 17.1 on a 27" AOC monitor via DP from a R9 285 video card and it runs very nicely at a reported 2560x1440. Have you got the right display drivers installed?