Linus's Take on PCvsConsole. Thoughts? (Or is Logan going to have a stroke?)

Linus's take on the subject. Anyone want to cause World War 3?

He is pretty reasonable 

PC =Freedom/Flexibility and Performance 

Console = Easier Usability and better for local Gaming 

Argument in a nutshell.

Now, back to me playing beyond earth on Linux cause that is what I enjoy. I will leave everyone to what they enjoy.

Up to the PS2 era the whole "usability, plug and play" thing was correct. Nowadays, however, consoles are plagued with the exact same problems as PCs (game installation, system updates, downloading large patches for their games, etc.), they've simply become proprietary, weak-ish PCs with less functionality. And the whole "with a console it's just going to work" argument also falls to pieces at that point, because games are either broken in general or there are issues with the system (unable to play downloaded games because generic error code, etc.). The only real advantage that consoles have right now are exclusive titles and the fact that you don't need to build it yourself or concern yourself with the selection of parts.

I think the WiiU is the only console that gets it right now. They're simply not competing with PC, they just make good games and scale them towards their limited hardware (simple graphics style, 1080p 60fps, the games still look and play great).

I see absolutely no point in getting either a PS4 or an XBONE at this point, even if you just have 400$ to build a PC you can still make a great APU machine that can be expanded with a dedictaed GPU at some point with the money you saved on PS+ and the Xbox Gold-membership and cheaper games of course.

Simple minded people flock to simple things.

Someone who plays just dance/dance dance revolution would never build/buy a gaming PC or even be involved in this debate in the first place; they probably own an iphone 3 & 4 & 5 & 6, an ipod, an ipad, an appleTV, and a macbook. If they're the type of person that buys a $400 console for a little over a couple games, then they aren't the ones having this discussion and should be left out. 

If the person wants to get a gaming machine that's packed with forced DRM, multiplayer fees, and has a few "AAA" games they want to play that's their business, but there is no debate that as to which is better overall. Consoles are only better to people that aren't willing to put any thought whatsoever into their purchase beyond "I want to play that game because the trailer told me so" and are willingly ignorant of the fact that they're getting ripped off and feeding a malicious band of corporations.


Also, I see a lot of PC enthusiasts buying WiiUs to play mario kart and smash bros. I really don't understand why. Are those games really worth all that money? Even if star citizen and witcher 3 were console exclusives I still wouldn't wouldn't spend all that money on a console.


Also, I see a lot of PC enthusiasts buying WiiUs to play mario kart and smash bros. I really don't understand why. Are those games really worth all that money? Even if star citizen and witcher 3 were console exclusives I still wouldn't wouldn't spend all that money on a console.

For those of us who already have a PC and want to play local co-op with family & friends, especially one's who are not a "gamer", absolutely, yes. It's a blast. It's really not all that much money, but that's relative to the individual I suppose. 

All that fanboyism aside. I agree, it's just sad though that the Console argument really shouldn't be about "power", but about efficiency and value.

For many people Smash alone is worth the price of the console, Mario Kart 8 was great as well. And it's not only those games, the WiiU had tons of really good games this year. 2013/2014: Bayonetta 1 and 2, Toads Treasure Tracker (apparently), Super Mario 3D World, Monster Hunter, Donkey Kong, Wind Waker HD, The Wonderful 101, Hyrule Warriors, etc. All of them were just really good games, and the only way to play them is on a WiiU. It also helps that you can easily sink several hundred hours in some of those games, so even if there are less games compared to other consoles you can still get your money's worth. The WiiU also got fairly cheap after the Xbone and PS4 launch.

dance dance revolution would never build/buy a gaming PC


Actually most would for Stepmania if they wanted to practice but didn't have access to a mix and/or wanted arcade timing windows versus console timing windows. Also there were fan mixes, fan themes, dancers, announcers, you get the idea. They also built very specific rigs in the rare case that they got a hold of certain pieces of cabinet hardware to run arcade mixes natively. Sorry, the old Bemani nerd in me couldn't resist.

I agree, the WiiU is really quite fun. I have a high end rig, but nothing compares to playing smash bros with cute college girls ;)

I love monster hunter. I played tri on the wii to max rank. I wish they released the games on PC too

" but about efficiency and value."

Efficiency I can see that, but I can not see where a value argument would come from with consoles. Not just because of the pricier games, and having to pay for online, but because of the price of the console itself compared to a similarly powered pc that can do more. 

I had more fun with Nidhogg last night than I've ever had with Smash Brothers. There are plenty of multiplayer co-op games for PC (but not enough still).

I do have a soft spot for Nintendo's first party titles. I do think the upcoming Zelda game looks interesting, but they are really over-using their brands and mascots. They are probably the worst gaming company out there when it comes to that. Sometimes I feel that they are more about that than actual innovation. Even still, they are the most innovative console company... and that should tell you something. 

To me Nintendo is the only "console" making company in existence. Sony and Microsoft aren't making consoles. They are making extremely gimped PC's with horrible DRM and extreme marketing "The highest expenditure". Valve is a company that never releases a game or product until it is 100% done, so the Steam Machine may be the reckoning these companies will receive. Steam still does need some revision, but it is gold compared to the Console markets. It's reminiscent of the days of Apple and Microsoft battling it out over Macintosh vs Windows machines. Steam OS may have the same effect with the Console world the same way Windows had with the Computer world. Nintendo has only one selling point, nostalgia. And it has, so far, worked....for now. Our biggest problem isn't the Console companies, it's the developer companies. 90% of the AAA producer companies could give two shits about PC. Even Zenimax has made that mistake.

Argument against consoles, not for.

How would you know? JK I couldn't resist something about Nintendo games just brings people closer. Or in my case makes people yell at me a throw controllers XD

Local multiplayer really is the big draw there is some thing nice about just pressing the power button and you are ready to go.

Friends don't normally want to sit around while you setup split-screen and make sure you have the controller drivers.

Sometimes it is nice to sit on the couch with friends and family to play Mario Cart together 

Oh, my bad I totally misread that. Sorry man. 

Thank you guys for all the responses; I understand now, but I'm not that big of a fan of any of those games excepting monster hunter. I also have no desire to play games in local co-op; to me it's more of a social experience in local co-op.

So it's just not for me I guess

ha. I've had that link bookmarked for ages

To finally answer the question of what I though... Well, he talked about it for a while... didn't really say anything new... the title is going to get a lot of clicks. I see Linus as someone who has helped move people over to PC. He claims that he does not game much, so I see him as a third party in a way. I don't believe he is nearly as passionate as we are around here (especially Qain and Pistol). So his perspective is somewhat neutral with a slant toward PC because r/pcmasterrace will eat it up.

Even then, most of the reasons to game on console can usually be boiled down to a few things:

  • some goofy AAA game that has such amazing marketing that you are forced to buy a console
  • Consoles are easy-mode and you don't have to think to use them (great for lazy people)
  • Consoles are good for the living room/single screen multiplayer

I do not see any of these things as a plus and I think that everyone should game on PC. The die-hard console gamers are not types I wish to associate with as they tend to exude qualities I do not find good or worthwhile. I am more than open to helping console gamers leave their peasant ways.

I'll never fault someone for playing a few console games. However, I will fault them if they think easy-mode is good or if they think it's awesome to be lazy, "You don't have to learn how to use a PC, you press start!!!" Yeah... no.