I was just farting around with a project i am currently testing. I was going to try out server mod called Valheimplus. I got it running on a windows server no issues but where is the fun in that? Well I fired up a premade valheim server in linode market. issue here is I have no idea how it calls for the server during startup or any of that. So i been poking at it for the better part of a half hour now looking up anything i can find on the web and web forums before i break down and do a ticket. Figured I would drop a line here because this community has always been great and its a fun project anyone can jump into and learn. anyways thanks ahead of time is anyone has any thoughts on how debian 10 works with game servers, not sure if its systemd or any of that its been a minute since I have played with debian I tend to stick to gentoo lol.
here is what they want done from the mod makers.
I have been playing with it a bit but as of right this moment I am not too up to date on GSM.
I have been able to edit a few basic things in it such as server password Name and so on.
I have yet to figure out how to set the script to launch at startup tho. The game server itself runs no issues stock. yet this script to launch the server has been a bit fickle.
If needed I will post info as needed but as I find things that work I shall post results as they come.
not a game server type guy or anything but any questions
ill try and answer to the best of my abilities.
this is what i have been able to get working inside the GSM configs working with FTP and Notepad++. The script end tho not launching the server after restart I can start it by hand if i ssh and kill the other processes. pretty sure i am fumbling hard but ill keep throwing stuff at it and see what I can do lol.
and yes i know I showed the password for the server as i said before this is just a test setup and is not final in any way yet lol.
I got this working in a docker container very well. I would look in that direction if possible. I am not familiar with Linode’s offerings but you should be able to install docker and run a valheim server with valheim plus enabled easily.
that’s a neat idea as well. is there any performance hit running inside docker like that tho? ill have to test that for sure I haven’t thought about it. I have been doing a deep dive here as well. [FEATURE] Mod Integration Valheim Server · Issue #3287 · GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM · GitHub
haven’t tried some of these edits. seems like the key might be a little rewrite or making lgsm run a hot script. =s
okay someone has made all the work easy…after doing some asking and digging I found a one stop shop.
check out nimdy’s script here GitHub - Nimdy/Dedicated_Valheim_Server_Script: Dedicated Valheim Server Manager . Supports: ValheimPlus, Multi-Lang, Update, Backup, Restore and more: Built on Ubuntu
he has made throwing a server together easy and more secure.
this is copy paste friendly for newer linux users.
as with any scripts always always…always and every time you find scripts online read and understand what they do. I have done a skim and I see no code that would be harmful to the end user but never trust the guy posting things.
disclaimer rant end here lol…
anyways anyone with some hosting and some linux power under the hood can now deploy modded Valheim servers.
far from done with this project. but this is a good start.
Here are my scripts for running a valheim server:
I also made a video on how to install it using steam cli and how to get it running here:
sweet ill check it out thanks