Hello everyone, first time on the forum with a last minute devember project. I started on this late November, but haven’t had too much time with it since.
In short it uses the same web API as linode-cli, but with an GUI react-native app. I got into quite a few problems when using the web debug version during development. But after figuring out how to do a local CORS development proxy I got to work with making a simple home screen with basic account info and a simple alert screen.
It also has a simple settings screen currently just for setting the API token.
Now I have to revamp the way it does requests to make both the code cleaner and to stop the app from making unnecessary API requests.
After revamping the way it does the requests I’ll start working a little more on the visual, especially the alert screen which currently shows just the names of the 20 (I think) latest alerts.
And then get to working on making the app useful for actually creating and interacting with the different Linode services on the go from any phone.
The code is public @ my GitHub, Ghost-Zephyr/linode-app. You can also find apks for android in the releases there.
Apparently I’m not allowed to post links.