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There was a news item where the US marshalls seized items from a hoverboard booth at CES that infringed upon US patents; the booth was facilitated by a Chinese company who had infringed US patents.
So, the Silent Pocket phone case is a Faraday Cage for you phone. But that will block the cellular and WiFi signals, making your phone useless. I don't get it.
@DeusQain : Seeing as you're also wary of what's in your wallet, perhaps it would be a nice idea to compare these wallets against the competition? I've been using Koruma wallets for close to 2 years myself and would love to see trustworthy reviews of several brands and models. I'm pretty sure you and @wendell could do the best reviews when it comes to this kind of stuff because you actually have the know-how to create the tools to test and possibly defeat these wallets.
Many smartphones come with an nfc chip similar to what is used in credit cards, and as such they can be vulnerable without proper protection.
Also, a lot of big stores actively track cellphones to see how often people come back, who spends most of his time in which section of the store etc. I can imagine that these phone wallets are aimed at that kind of stuff too. Me, I just put mine in airplane mode when going anywhere near a big store.
I have to say those Silent Pocket wallets look pretty neat. I might even consider buying one for myself. The bag looks like something I could use. Maybe. Possibly.
Oh and to add on to that, THAT router. Must...HAVE.......ROUTER.....NOWWWWW...
once in a while there's a unicorn piece of hardware comes up -- that's not crap, has decent opensource support and lots of opensource devs interested in it and has seemingly nothing wrong with it -- really nice router (I have a lower clocked wrt1900 ac v2, really happy with the cpu oomph) if you don't need the wifi, or already have an always on htpc, you could run a router in a VM.