Like space games like FTL and sims?, come here "spacebase"

Hello everyone, i have stumbled upon a game which i think is amazing

You are set in space, and have too construct a base  while dealing with the perils of space and the empty vacuum that stares into your soul rips you apart. With a mix of  FTL and Sims you create you space station, fend off attackers and survive, keeping everyone alive and well.
If you liked anything about FTL i urge you too take a look at the trailer on there website and see what you think


p.s. i am in no way affiliated with spacebase, I have started playing it and cant stop so i want too share it with you


- Jesse

Thanks for the recommend, been playing this a lot this weekend. 

Oh yeah, I remember playing a prototype because I bought the Humble Double Fine Bundle a while ago and it was my favorite of all of those prototypes. Definitely looked promising then and will have to pick it up now that's it's been released