Ok, this image thing was kind of awkward, but I got the hang of it eventually.
Ok, this image thing was kind of awkward, but I got the hang of it eventually.
I see too many Reddit posts on this site.
It's funny because it's true. Long live the Samsung master race.
I don't see why people have to be so defensive about what they like to use. Who cares, there is no "best phone". Everyone has different needs and preferences. It's like trying to say there is a "best vehicle". There is no such thing, for example, some people may drive a truck because they move around heavy equipment a lot. Someone else may want a minivan because they have 5 children. Someone else may want a sports car because they like to race on tracks as a hobby. Just because a Ferrari might have the "best performance" doesn't mean it is the "best vehicle". Same concept applies to phones/computers/consoles, etc.
Note how the image is from 9**g. The site filled with douchebags
This thread, I kind of like it.
and reposts
Apple is The Evil Empire!! LMAO!!
9gag is shit lately. Reposts, no .GIFs, non-funny context and rolling in the same shit over and over.
One does not simply...
SWAG gives me cancer
Story-of-my-life "rage" comics
You get the point.
I got a chuckle out of that, apple pissed on their own feet by saying that samsung products are substantially the same as their products.
This made my day LOL
It's not about which is the best. It's about Apple suing everyone for absolutely no reason. Why would you want to support a company that is trying to stifle innovation?
Besides, you do get better performance with a Galaxy S3 and it's a crap load cheaper than an iphone.
Might aswell buy an iPhone 1 and save some cash, same thing. I don't know how you could mistake ANY Samsung phone for an iPhone, or pretty much any other smartphone. Though I guess I'll go with Apple's mentaility... "It's alright for us to steal things, but when you steal from us... expect a lawsuit on your desk 8AM sharp." Both companies were in the wrong, though Apple in my opinion has, and always will be the same thing over and over, that is untill they start the next "trend." No evolution in there technology, no NEW technology.
I spy a 9gag watermark on bottom of that image...gtfo 9gag. Seriously though, I own, and love the shit out of my release day SGS :) Running currently CM9, and stable as fuck all, runs WAY faster than it did the day I got it. Accidently dropped a few times, thankfully I had a good screen protector, only thing it has is a few cosmetic scratches on the plastic chrome. And sadly, it has been mistaken for an iPhone till I tell people it's superior because I am not locked to a single configuration for an OS, that and it's thin as fuck compared to any current Apple device.
The original SGS is the only one that could be confused with an iphone, that is, less educated nit wits and bumblefucks. Even then, it has a large screen, is thinner, faster, and battery life is superior to the original, 3g, and 3gS.
I can play that game too. Better never buy an Intel CPU then because it's well known Intel has more than enough dirty moves in their history. If I recall, it was Intel trying to shove AMD out of the market by paying OEMs to use Intel that they had to pay AMD $2 Billion a few years ago. Apple is not unique when it comes to shady business moves, almost every company does it, if in the position to do so.
You also seem to be forgetting that not everyone cares about beast performance in their phone. Just like not everyone cares about having 400 HP in their car.
No kidding, but why pay more for an inferior product? If you don't want all the features of the Galaxy S3 then get a cheaper phone. Don't put $400 into an iPhone so you can have less features. That makes no sense.
Perhaps because they are already invested into the Apple ecosystem so having an Apple phone makes it easier for all their devices to work seamlessly. Perhaps there is some app that is exclusive to iOS that they don't want to give up. Perhaps they simply just like the aesthetics and the way the UI works, regardless if it's better or worse than other offerings.