Looking for a cool person(s) to play LiFYO with. I have considered renting out rack space on a server (or less likely building my own low powered server to run at home [dedicated]). Right now I'm basically playing on a server by myself. Most people have abandoned after binge playing (lol). Server is still up but after about 30 hours of trying to solo this game its getting daunting. There is too much to do by yourself.
Would be cool to find 1-3 other people to start a "family/clan/whatever" that are interested in playing more long term or at least help out creating a small town that is self sustainable. I enjoy PvP but more interested in having a town that can produce goods to trade with other players.
In the short term I will be traveling for work (3-4 weeks)and will likely be playing this game more seriously when I return (late November).
If this sounds interesting please let me know!
*Logan/Pistol/Wendel/Quain?kane?Qane?/Syndicate members always welcome to join me ;)*