Librem5 sale for 6 more days (DEAL EXPIRED)

That is actually a good point.

Maybe the ultimate solution is to "MAKE PHONES DUMB AGAIN!"


Go further. Make pay phones great again.


I legit saw one in its natural habitat last weekend.

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Once and a great while I will see an old school phone booth. Iā€™ll just sort of stand there and stare at it 'cause weird.

I will be buy when this comes out most likely, considering buying an HTC phone or similar and slapping Lineage on it as a stop gap. My major hold ups are needing more ram and battery capacity.

Also some interesting coverage here on the Librem:

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They put a new phone box in my work. I think itā€™s the only new one in the country

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The only place I can think of with a phone booth in my city is the hospital at the entry.

A lot of drugs in the area? I joke, but that is impressive, a new payphone must be like the second comingā€¦

I saw few when I was in Japan. They looked quite sophisticated and worked too. I called some emergency number.

The sale is over now. Did you pre-order?

I did, but thereā€™s a catch. I tried to a while back. Splitit was telling me I was putting in an invalid state, so I couldnā€™t use Splitit, and at the time I couldnā€™t afford to pay out of pocket. So I put in a request to use PayPal Credit so I can still get 0% interest. I put in my order on December 19th, and it still says status is ā€œOn holdā€.

I donā€™t plan on using it as my only device initially. Iā€™m going to use it as my primary, but Iā€™m going to keep my V35 on me just in case. If it proves reliable after a month or so of use, Iā€™ll use it as my only phone. If itā€™s a flop Iā€™ll find some other use for it.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Might still, but not convinced yet

0 voters

I would have #butmoney :tm:.


Ya itā€™s a big chunk of cash, especially for something that may end up being a flop. Even if you do the monthly financing itā€™s $50-$100 a month depending on how many months you pay it off in, and thatā€™s not a small commitment.