Librem 5 the FOSS mobile phone [Goal Reached]

I’ll be getting one!

Hey they got the text messaging working now. The shit is real. Although the screen is very large for me. I don’t like big phones.


Me too, but could still be worth it for a real phone option without having to root, mod, possibly brick, etc.


5" screen is the sweet spot for me but the complete lack of specs and the price kept me from backing it. Also I don’t think that a full desktop OS can deliver a good experience on a phone.

Well the price is high because the phone is not developed by chinese teenagers who are forced to work 16 hours a day. I believe the OS will be optimised for this device down the road. That’s seems like a common sense. I’m sure they have that in mind.

I don’t get why are you concerned about specs. Didn’t you say that you want phones to be dumb again?

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I don’t need a lot but I want to know what I buy before I do, especially for six times the price of my current phone. … yeah, crazy right?

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This is good! I’m psyched for this to come out.

The problem is your not paying what your paying for those features in other phones, your paying less for the mass production. On a similar scale with no owned factories, you’d be paying a lot more.


Its not a desktop OS its either plasma mobile or GNOME mobile. Plasma is based on hallium.

They are likely to use the soon released NXP i.MX8M

Thanks. I will look into it again when the thing is available.
So far I am happy with my craptastic moto G4 play running LineageOS.

Separating the baseband from the CPU is probably part of the reason they have to make it bigger. Also, I can imagine there may be other components where there was a smaller alternative, but that had no open source drivers/firmware.

Honestly I’d take a brick if I could just get a phone that does what I want and nothing else. Gotta worry about all this bullshit and spend a day just to run less software.

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Not to be a salesman, but with all the drivers open source, you could probably strip out all but the essential code on a Librem much more easily than any Android phone.

Plasma mobile is probably more secure than the UI on a dumbphone anyway; definitely has been poked at by hackers more.

It would be cheaper if there was an open source dumbphone, but I haven’t heard of such a thing.

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Geez, I hope the phone has actual buttons.

I suspect the only buttons it will have are the power, volume, and the kill switches.


Just an FYI the CEO of Purism is doing a Reddit AMA tomorrow.
@Grim_Reaper I’m sure you’ll be interested in this. Along with anyone else who has backed the Librem 5


Update, lunduke did an interview with the cto of purism, mostly talking about the librem 5.


omg Lunduke is finally shaved. I need a TLDW version of this. Lunduke rambles on too much.

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NECRO !!! /s glad to see developments with this

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