Lian Li: Desk PC Cases, Waterblock, New Cases | Tek Syndicate

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30 min 36 sec ago

Sell your souls? I thought TS did that already to...

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4 hours 32 min ago

Thanks everyone! I'm sorry if I don't post many...

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2 days 14 hours ago

New TS team member! Party time? \o\ \o/ /o/...

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2 days 18 hours ago

Welcome! Hope your stay is pleasant, should be...

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2 days 20 hours ago

Welcome, I'm sure you'll do great.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I think the ATX cube/test bench case is fricking great and asking to get modded inside and out! One of the reason's I love Lian Li cases is the simple exterior shapes and great build quality allow wonderful modding!

Those 'glass-topped' desks are amazing :)

on the desk case a keyboard pullout should be an easy addition. i need to get a metal break and a die press.

the last case is awesome. the hinge might be weird in tight spots. like to see it glide off of the entire case. cube designs with a horizontal platform for the mobo is best for large heatsinks and GPUs and are my favorite, but i've not seen one dialed in all the way. CM's haf xp gets close, but it has a bench feature. for people who want a dust resistant ATX cube desktop, there is no design on the market yet that i have seen that fits the bill.

A year ago I considered Lian Li desk case, I ended up with Vector pc case-desk instead, easier to mod and is focused on watercooling more, shame nobody seems to know about it

If they're going to use cable extentions in a desk case anyway, why make it rectangular? A vaulted or arched shape would be much more practical and ergonomic, as it would clear more vertical space in the middle for the legs and armchair while only sacrificing some of the ample unused space on either side.

Depending on how it's laid out, the motherboard could be placed vertically in one end of the desk and the PSU + drives in the other, with power and sata cables running along the inner edges of the table between both compartments.

AFAIK, PCIe extention length impacts performance (slightly) more than sata or power cable length. Having the motherboard vertically in the side of the desk might make PCIe ribbons unnecessary and allow for either more expansion space or simply a smaller housing compartment overall.

It would be a bit like this, but that could be made even thinner.

A Carbide Air 540 mounted "sideways" with third-party dust filters is pretty much as close to a dust-proof full-atx horizontal cube layout as it gets.

Only if only money was no object to purchasing this Lian Li 'glass-topped' computer desk lol.