The pictures shows it all. Last week I was charging my phone and since then it has randomly split the screens display, half of it is refreshing and the other half isnt… It is far to late for me to exchange it and it only started happening last week. I rarely notice it until I woke up to it doing this all morning. Verizon is about as shitty as it comes to supporting their customers.
what do you think my options are? Factory RMA? Or should I wait till it gets worse? This isn’t my fault, it just happened when it was charging last week. Ever since then it has done it while not charging. When ever I am browsing the web or scrolling quickly.
I would RMA, I have the same phone and haven't had any troubles with it, even dropping it or leaving it on the shelf playing music while in the shower haven't phased it
No I haven't but what is the point of phones when I have to factory reset when there is an issue? I understand it may help, but how would it help the screen? It would help other performance issues possibly.... Ill do it today and see how it is for the weekend.
Well it doesn't look like a hardware issue, it looks like a bug in the software so a factory reset will clean out any corrupt or broken settings and possibly fix it. It's worth trying before you RMA it.
I have factory reset it and it still is occuring. I left my phone off for 10 minutes and started it back up. Before it got to the verizon logo it was doing that. It is just getting worse over time.