Level1SpaceTechs (astronomy)

A truly impressive view! But the ISS flyby video of Earth at night with the lightning strikes and Aurora Borealis still takes the cake.

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Good article on Cassini ending it’s mission Sept 15th
Free pdf e-book on Pluto

kinda cool concept

Had this made. Hanging In the living room.

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sun’s acting up

Cassini will be gone by the time i wake up

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Screengrab from NASA’s Cassini video.

(Thanks, Youtube Compression)

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Should point out anything that shows Cassini is CGI, but man that’s still one hell of a shot.

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On Friday NASA dedicated the Katherine G. Johnson Computational Research Facility.
She is 99 and cut the ribbon.
Here President Obama is presenting her with the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Mrs. Johnson and other African-American women were pioneers in gaining acceptance of Female and Civil rights during a time when all engineers were white and male.

The movie focuses on the early era of the Mercury program and the flights of Alan Shepard and John Glenn. Inspirational and Glorious.

Teeny spoiler: My favorite (probably fictional) line when she met her future husband.
Jim > They let women do that job? Uhh… that’s not what I mean.
Katherine > They didn’t hire me because I wear a skirt. They hired me because I wear glasses.


peering through the gas



I initially read this as “peeing through the gas,” and I was like, “what?! That doesn’t look anything like a stream of urine.”

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I thought that was a real photograph of saturn by cassini. when hk-47 said it’s CGI all hype has gone.

Sorry to burst your bubble. Think about it, if that’s Cassini burning up, what recorded the whole thing happening? It’s still an awesome still. I need to make this into a wallpaper later.

Nevermind, there are plenty out there already in much higher res than I can do…no PNGs though. u_u

But there’s also the original TIFF to make your own resolutions from…

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Obviously I know that was made up. But the picture of the surface and the rings, I thought it took the picture before it burned down.

So you mean that the sequence uses plate photography, that they just added the CG Cassini burning up? That would’ve been great!

Yes that’s what i thought they did. And I can’t believe it took cassini 10 years to get there. Even though the satellites move at 40 000 km/h or so.

for 10 yearold tech, that’s amazing.