Level1SpaceTechs (astronomy)


It does, but I'll wait until you don't need Steam to try it.

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I couldn't help myself...... Got it and rogue

But if it goes DRM free I'll pick it up.

Seen this yet fam?


earth equinox timelapse

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Space Ravioli

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2P/Encke you can see with binoculars, and some other stuff

A lil on the Dawes limit and Rayleigh criterion (optics stuff)

Dark matter stuff:

For amateur stuff double stars are a treat!
Words and pics fail to convey how amazing Albireo, the star at the Swans beak, looks in even budget telescopes. It is also when stars show their color in a beautiful way. Polaris and many others are also double stars. Along with clusters and the planets they are my fav objects for sub-6 inch scopes.

I did use this to look where is "our" stuff.

If it folds in on itself, does it become the tortellini moon?


is it just me or does that look fake as fuck? lol must be proof of us living in a simulation and someone in QA is getting fired

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It is the same reason we don't get rings around earth when we blow up our satellites:)
"He graduated summa cum laude from Ohio Wesleyan University where he double-majored in physics and astronomy and minored in mathematics. He then earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Dr. Lisle specialized in solar astrophysics and has made a number of scientific discoveries regarding the solar photosphere, including the detection of giant cell boundaries using the SOHO spacecraft. He also does theoretical research and has contributed to the field of general relativity."
As yes, it looks fake as .....something created by Someone with a sense of humor:)

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Just be outside on a clear day and you won't miss it. Easily as bright as Venus and moving quite fast.

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Here you go :) https://gcn.com/articles/2017/03/24/nasa-laser-communications.aspx

New one of Pluto


About 15 min to launch

Launch is currently GO

This was a feature on BBCs Stargazing Live and they got viewers to look at the data for moving objects and even though it hasn't been found yet we know where it isn't. The green on this image is where we've already looked and found nothing.