Grey Kitty
Crazy cat argone intensifies…
I was walkimg Thomas and he started getting hot. To beat the heat he channeled his big cat ancestors in the tall grass, over looking the yard.
Mufasa: “Everything the light touches is yours”
Yes,. Have some problems with “the bulls” and the tenants. Noting new. A smaller version whit pink a shawl on my yard. They rules.
Steve the cat looks like yours.
Steve in this photos is quite young. He is now over a year. Will update with new photos.
Krista shared an idea on the most recent Links show for using fish oil treats for cats with dandruff. Never thought of using fish oil treats, it makes too much sense. Going to have to try this for my fuzzy child.
Of course, L1T is not giving medical advice.
I have been doing this since my dog was a puppy. She had skin condition and the vet suggested fish oil daily.
My dogs also get a squirt of fish oil with meals… it works best to mix it with their food, rather than putting in directly on their fur… also not medical advice.
So I give my dog a human fish oil gelatin capsule. She loves it. I take the supplement as does my pooch.
I give my Shar Pei mix a couple squirts of salmon oil with hemp to her chicken, rice, and veggies. Severe skin and ear issues cleared up in about six weeks (also post spay though).
The smallest of 3 brothers. Not strong enough to pull a heavy sledge. One of my 24 cousins(no joke) as care taker.
Mmmn locking forward about winter…
Grey cat is getting neutered and tested for fiv and feline leukemia tomorrow. Will get vaccinated for both plus rabies.