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OMG I made it on time because of this post ! awesome

super duper missle…


They started 10ish minutes ago, but yeah.

Super Duper Missile!


Isn’t space force an incorrect name?

Space force would seem correct if it was an attachment to the Navy or Air Force. But its its own thing? So wouldn’t it be a navy in space in its own right? Since they will presumable operate out of a fleet of space ships aka. Navy Spatium


@PhaseLockedLoop you can explain the relationship better, probably.


lol that’s a lot of fun.

I’d waste way too much time on it.


Space force while it’s going to be an independent branch is a detachment of the air Force.

The Navy has no bearing on it because the Navy has no ships in space. (yet)

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Ok, that makes sense then if it isnt quite its own completely separate thing.

The moment it has more than one space ship though… technically its a space Navy?

In the theme of robots being named Rosie, allow me to share with you a Laboratory robot used to move samples from one department to another within a large hospital lab. She’s also named Rosie, and has her own I.D. Badge!


Fat Tug

It will become part of the navy but TBCH if humans start build ships enough for a navy to matter my friend then we need to be a whole lot more united than we are now if we are gonna survive the extreme prejudice of space

I guess if we go on technicality it depends how many ships make a fleet, and if a fleet needs to be grouped or if they can be out independently of the rest of the fleet.

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This could only mean one thing…

intel product reviews most of next week…

imho a technologically superior smaller said of lighter groups and fleets would be superior against numbers and large size :wink: out maneuver and out tech… and out train :wink: should be da wae

Now the question is… are we now talking space force or Stellaris :smiley:

why not both :wink: