Level1 Philosophicum: [Is time just a human construct?]

This is the first philosophicum thread. The topic we are discussing is:

Is time just a human construct?

Anyone who has an interesting view point on this topic, please chime in! Please use the philosophical methods in this thread wherever possible: questioning, critical discussion, rational argument, and systematic presentation

The idea behind this thread is the following:

Here is the companion thread for general discussions:
Level 1 Philosophicum

Here is the proposal and poll thread if you have an idea for the next topic:
Topic proposals and polls


The discussion in the lounge up to this point. (for reference)

Actually its a Java class


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I would think that by looking at the decay of uranium,

Around 99.284% of natural uraniumā€™s mass is uranium-238, which has a half-life of 1.41Ɨ1017 seconds (4.468Ɨ109 years, or 4.468 billion years). ā€¦ The decay of 238U to daughter isotopes is extensively used in radiometric dating, particularly for material older than ~ 1 million years.

Not so much the part of carbon dating but more in the sense of the decay, it strongly implays passage of something. Sure the word ā€œtimeā€ is a construct but so is the person Eric Steegers iā€™m a collection of the world i saw around me as a child and my upbringing. But here i am typing. Sure the holografic univers (i realy like that btw) but thats for a other day to discus.


A bit of the track, but you did put in some thoughts to get there :grin:

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Hey, who needs to think when we have the Oracle


Iā€™m just wondering wheter the flow forward ā€˜in timeā€™ as we measure it, is actually a seamless flow or rather ticks as ruled in quantum.

Other than that, ā€˜timeā€™ is just our own comprehension of a flow weā€™ve observed.
With our limited senses and knowledge.

How about this, since nothing can be smaller than a plank that means the universe must be composed of a natural number of planks because you cant have half a plank. Does that mean the universe itself is a discrete structure?

this channel has a lovely lady presenter that also grabs your brain not just yourā€¦

little higher up the chain

this is quit deep, watched it 3 times to get a grip on it.

a little collection.

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When it comes to time I always think of a logical system that is stateless vs having a state. This to me is the difference between regular expressions vs context sensitive systems on the Chomsky Hierarchy.

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That is what Einstein sugested, but that was more out of his hatred for chaos and his need for a static universe. He even said God doenā€™t roll dice. I think the plank distance wil find its match by smaller lenghts (its suposed to be the shortest lenght light can travel)

bit more of a normie explenation.
I do think its some sort of a discrete structure that ripples in gravity and unseen other forces.

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Wow that is a little mind bending, i trip up on the term grammar and its sort of binairy. Need to read and watch up on this.

Singularities arenā€™t ā€˜frozenā€™ in time even tho our calculations canā€™t comprehend whatā€™s happening in them, yet they still flow through towards the future.

Yeah the thing about time slowing down/stopping at the edge of a black hole is quit fasinating, and stil the hole is moving trough space and being influenced by the galaxy around it.

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But on topic Time is real, the perceived movement/passage is an ilusion. It is more the observation of happenings that gives the notion of time moving.

Time is a flow, but there might still be flow without time as we measure it.

Most scientist present it as a ā€œsalamiā€ thats just there and we see slices of it, but this hurts my brain to get this as i see the sun and the stars move at the horizon. The impresion of movement is so strong and the linkage of time is so ingrained in our psyche we canā€™t hardly decouple it.

Check the movie ā€˜Arrivalā€™, it had a nice point in the extraterrestials having a different sense of time.


I would like to remind folks that when a statement is made, the burden of proof falls on the ones who are making the claim.

The claim is time is real.
A religious person claiming god is real would sometimes say ā€œwell you canā€™t prove god isnā€™t realā€, and such a statement is ludicrous, because you canā€™t really prove in that sense that something isnā€™t real.

So I would invite the people whoā€™ve already commented to present why time is real, the same way you would for the already mentioned gravity, for instance.

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I was also thinking of that yesterday, my counter argument would be that is no different from the other arguments. A change in the state of things does not prove time is real.