Level1 News September 12 2017 - Irma Gerd: Equif***ed | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-september-12-2017-irma-gerd-equifed

I just have to say that the title of this video is pure genius.

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Am i the only one here who thinks that most of the L1N titles would make amazing underground punk rock album titles?

  • nuclear powered fidget spinners
  • Jeff Bezos’s evil fruit kingdom
  • Neutral Nets Catch Spam, Not Fish
  • do androids dream of electric cows
  • Steve Buscemis Fast Food AI Pocalypse

10/10 would torrent just for the sake of having it in my playlist


Just wondering about there PC give away, are they using Gleam or do I have to submit how bad my pc is in order to win.
Tech Deals is using Gleam
and in this video they mention that you have to submit why you need this pc.

This one just wins. I want it on a T-Shirt.

And hmmm, plastic shards in tap water… I can always count on L1T News to frighten me in a new and unexpected way.

I will definitely have to enter that contest for a 1600x.

Context on the Musk tweet: He’s most likely referring to the country leaders and generals starting a war on others if they fear the opponent has created an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). Basically a country with an AGI has a very strong advantage and time only amplifies it so who ever creates it first can steamroll others. So according to game theory the best course of action for opponents is to preemptively attack rather than let them get that advantage.

In response to a joke/reference made at the beginning…

I’m sorry, I had to…


@ryan - Correction, New England is known for pretty much owning everybody else in sports! :smiley:

Is anyone else having trouble actually inputting the reason for the contest? I can’t find a text input field anywhere.

Regarding the plastic in tap water : Professor dr. Colin Janssen, eco toxicologist at the University of Ghent, had the following to say (translated from Dutch) :

  • That report is on a website (note: that would be Orb Media). It wasn’t a controlled report and hasn’t been evaluated by experts.
  • Water is very hard to check because it’s very sensitive to contamination.
  • There is no mention of how exactly these samples were taken and what precautions have been made when taking and handling the samples.
  • Last year he himself checked a number of tap water samples and found absolutely nothing.
  • Developed countries have drinking water stations whose filters can catch plastic fibres.

His conclusion : Most likely the samples in the report were simply contaminated by the people that collected them.

Source (in Dutch) : https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2017/09/06/fact-check--komt-er-microplastic-uit-onze-kranen-/

Note : if you plan to run that through a translator, keep in mind that “sample” and “steel” both translate to “staal” in Dutch. Not all translators will pick up on that though, so don’t be surprised if you read about people taking steels instead of samples.


Reminds me of the movie WarGames

I think that soft serve ice cream robot should be named “Soft Serv-O”

I think it should be Creamy™ or Softy™ because it follows the official Level 1 Tech nomenclature. Bricky™, Flippy™, you get the point

“Nothing can be done about [solar flares]” come on Ryan, you reported on this already. A strong magnetic field generated at the L1 Lagrange point could deflect the bulk of CMEs. The only potential downside to doing this though is the aurorae will shrink or disappear.

And I have to put these in for fun.

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On the subject of the Flettner Rotor container ship:
There is the “E-Ship 1” making use of the technology. Main issue for the given ship is that the spinning aluminium tubes require much more maintenance than just having a regular static blade propeller.

Another issue from the shipping industry: Unloading containers without hitting those things over will be a problem.

China is banning crypto because they actively are trying to plug the leaking rich Chinese who are storing funds offshore and/or emigrating to pacific rim cities (Auckland, Vancouver, Melbourne, Hong Kong). Crypto would be just another way of getting money out of the country, the fact much of it’s anonymous only weakens its case.
Imagine if they were working on a state owned block chain where every citizen has an account and tax evasion is a thing of the distant past; corrupt probably still prevalent.

I know what it means, but it made me laugh as well xD

Wendell & Co. need to build a spacecraft to go there and sort that out.

I can’t enter this giveaway because I don’t have YT and twitter accounts. you should make it so that I can enter through email too or forum post.

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