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Is it just me, or is there about 5+ min of blank at the end of this episode?
I knew the song ref… but i did not realize the song was called apache in the name… Nice one ( and I can thank fresh prince of bel air for knowing the song)
I could be wrong but I did not see that when I first watched the episode. Maybe youtube shenanigans? Or maybe I just stopped after the outro.
Also, this youtube commen is gold:
Christian Hainds: “30:35 - The darkest timeline.”
At least post the original video:
And I got the refarance immediately @kreestuh , well done.
Another gem from Sugarhill Gang:
I’m thinking these printed guns to be same as classic crossbow or like trying to figure out how to tinker together that assassins creed hidden blade
Think thats some character feature and you eiher can think and do them, or dont do that stuff and dont really even get it
The military convoy looks good but seems a little flawed, if the first vehicle is the one with people in it and it hits the IED, doesn’t that just leave a bunch of military hardware sitting there…
With the UK ID thing, we have Challenge 25, which is a scheme set up to ID anyone buying alcohol who looks under the age of 25. It’s not a legal thing, but all of the supermarkets follow it, for the most part.
Would make the AI ID a lot easier, if it just flagged younger people in general.