Level1 News May 18 2018: Ziggy Stardust and the Helicopters from Mars | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-may-18-2018-ziggy-stardust-and-helicopters-mars

I have never seen the show Arrested Development. But there is a Lawyer character with small hands from ā€˜Itā€™s Always Sunny in Philadelphiaā€™. Where Charlieā€™s uncle is this creepy Lawyer who is always obsessed with his small hands.

And yeah, Lilā€™ Tay is just a gimmick to gain more attention. It probably worked too.

TBH i would love to be at that meeting about the Internal guidelines. Its an actually an interesting problem ethically, it would be insanely informative about the characters of your colleagues and the company values and the amount of quotable lines and laughs from such a meeting would last a lifetime. Sounds like a dream job.

(gambling chemistry)

The study was about dopamine. It found that it had a lot to do with motivation in situations where prediction is difficult. Where the outcome of reward was about 50%, dopamine flowed like a river. This motivates organisms to test until some behavior can influence the outcome. They also found some animals doing obsessive compulsive type rituals in order to try to influence outcomes. This also has some implications for things like superstition and belief in luck; where there is no understanding of probability.

Addiction seems to be more about Developmental Psychology. Humans not only have explicit memory, where life experiences are kept as records, but also have implicit memory where the emotional state is kept as record. The latter is what is most active in the first years of life. The stress levels of those charged with caring for a developing human is felt and remembered pretty much for life. When a lot of stress is present during development it tends to produce lasting insecurity in them; even as adults. This doesnā€™t just start at birth though. Humans start collecting information about their environment, and developing to be suited to it, in the first trimester. Almost all of the information comes from their care givers.

Anxiety disorders are more about signal noise. The call in that case is coming from inside the house. People with anxiety disorders are trying to solve for incoherent emotional responses. This is what interferes with function. Even if itā€™s well managed, a lot of time is spent on evaluating ones own emotional responses and dealing with the emotions directly. This is something that is normally autonomic. So, having an anxiety disorder often means losing a great deal of time; sometimes because the stress leads to early death or even suicide.

Iā€™d also like to reiterate that mental health care is understaffed due to the procedures of healthcare providers. GPs are equipped with a little blue book of disorders and a list of drugs to dole out for their treatmentā€¦ in a trial and error capacity. People with mental health issues are unlikely to see a qualified professional for things as essential as diagnosis and evaluation; not to mention treatment, especially therapy. Many post grads and even PHDs wind up in marketing; worsening the problem.

Though I have interest and aptitude in behavioral and social science, Iā€™m not a qualified behavioral or social scientist; so take this with a grain of salt. I also have anecdotal evidence to contend with; with anxiety disorders specifically.


I think the most accurate characterization of BitCoin is a nascent stage gravy train. Itā€™s not just about the technology. The management is highly corrupted. The ā€œdemocraticā€ structuring of the community has produced an oligarchic reign. You see, everyone has a vote when it comes to implementation of developments. This has made the distribution of miners the tyrannous majority. Iā€™ve tried to have conversations with miners over this; and they just quit conversing with me. I think an estimate over 25,000 USD is high with BitCoin specifically.

Iā€™ve been analyzing crypto for a couple of years now; and where Iā€™m not confident in predicting where it will go, I am confident that it will go in many more directions than it has. <-- Captain Obvious. Bitcoin seems like itā€™s sealed its own extinction. I would also feel confident in saying that without a complete rework of itā€™s management processes, it has nowhere else to go.

BitCoin uses the high cost of transactions to offset the high cost of coin mining. Thatā€™s the problem. Without a management contingency or another abstraction layer to add value,ā€¦ or some other novel emergence that I canā€™t predict BitCoin is doomed. Change is itā€™s only hope; and that isnā€™t likely under itā€™s current system state.

nvidia earnings callā€¦

Yes those quarters are fiscal years. And a fiscal year is whatever date the company says their fiscal year is. So thereā€™s no set timeframe of when a fiscal year starts or ends, the company chooses it.

Thereā€™s basically 2 widely used options, and theyā€™re both (unsurprisingly) centered around the holidays. Either They make it so the holidays are in Q1, or so itā€™s in Q4. The exact dates are still different though.

Concerning the instagramm story:

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