Level1 News March 2 2018: Spend Crypto, Obtain Barbie Dreamhouse PART 4 | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-march-2-2018-spend-crypto-obtain-barbie-dreamhouse-part-4

Here is why I would Patreon harder:

  1. *Do a livestream of the news for patreon (I just realize some news are older than 1 week until released on YT, thats pretty…old in tech news, isn’t it?)
  2. *(Release edited for patreon)
  3. *release edited chopped on YT
  4. *(release edited on YT)

I think that’ cool, but I think the turnout will be low considering they do it sunday IIRC. Most people won’t be awake or sober.

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How many of these have been demonetized?

This was posted in the Hawaii Nuke Warning Fail thread

Clearly the greys and the government have plans to stop us.
Let’s fight back.
Share the images of stopping google plus from infiltrating youtube to remind google how effective we are. Remember this powerful saying. It is symbolic of our resistance to the infinidell.

“Google+ Doesn’t Belong On YouTube!!”

We can show them we know how to play their game!

Infowars? Pretty sure Tuck Buckford has him covered hahaha…

I’m saddened by the new format. I travel on Tuesdays for work and looked forward to listening to the L1 News on my way every Tuesday morning. It helped keep my brain engaged while driving. If this format stays, I may have to go back to finding audio books to listen to which just isn’t the same.

Original format is on Patreon? Could also wait a week the full version is on the news playlist on YouTube by Friday. Most of what we do is commentary rather than the news itself so maybe stale isn’t too much of an issue… We are changing things up again this week (but not for patrons)

On the subject of news:
Reading several outlets and looking at their sources and authors comments helps a lot. The problem with that is the time it takes.

I would argue most people these days are too lazy to care. They read/watch/listen a few stories to then shrug them off and continue communicateing with their echo chamber. And most of the time, the news sold to them as relevant are not even worth the shrug.

Oh, cool. I’m hopeful it will play ok from the patreon site. For some reason YT videos often don’t like to play as well on my phone over a cellular connection as they do directly on the YT app itself.

Thanks for the reminder.

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