Level1 News July 18 2018: Game of Throttles | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-july-18-2018-game-throttles

Why do you guys refuse to use an adblocker on the news, and yet, you won’t show an article if it’s paywalled? Surely you either bend over for the man or not. That is to say, surely you do not. Put a damn adblocker on the news. I’m going to go buy some leggings.

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Deadwood was a great show. One of my favorites from HBO.

Westworld is good. In a way it kinda reminds me of that old “Itchy and Scratchy Land” episode from the Simpsons, where Homer takes the kids to an Itchy and Scratchy Land theme park, and the robots gain sentience and run amuck. That episode was based on Jurassic Park and the original Westworld movie (directed by Michael Crichton).

Obviously, the show is quite a bit more heavy handed on the drama, as Christoper Nolans brothers is a co-creator/ co-writer. It is a little pretentious. But Ed Harris and Anthony Hopkins are great, though.

But I agree that HBO makes their name on big budget TV. Changing that business model would hurt their brand a lot.

I live on the side of Canada that does not sell milk bags. And yeah, the Mobile carriers here all suck and charge absurd amounts on data usage.

I generally use WaterFox as my main browser.

I agree with @thebigstick. Ads just suck and I never whitelist or turn off my ublock. The internet is meant to be full with free information. If you don’t want that get the content behind a paywall.

It’s the advertisings industry own fault for being to aggressive over the last 20 years.

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Kinda odd hearing about the confusion concerning Canada’s separation of paper for recycling.

I’m from Belgium, never known another system.

And paper towels just go with the regular trash. “Paper” is more for actual paper and cardboard.

Paper towels go in the regular trash exactly because they’re used to clean other stuff up. They can also go with compost if the brand is bio-degradeable, which most brands here are.

Yeah, compost is its own separate trashcan here. You’re not allowed to put vegetables or fruit or grass or leaves in the regular trash here.

Something that still confuses some people even over here: plastic that once held yogurt can’t go with plastic. It goes in regular trash.

Why? Because people often don’t finish their yogurt, throw it in the plastic and in areas that don’t collect it every week, that leads to a lot of mold developing.

The bags for plastic are a lot lighter than the ones for regular trash over here and will rip more easily when the garbagetruck compresses them. Getting that stuff out of the plastic before it can be re-used it both time consuming and stinks. Regular trash just gets burnt.

It used to be allowed, but the situation got so bad with people just neglecting to clean up their half-eaten cups, that the rule was added that anything yoghurt-related goes into the regular trash.

Especially since it’s literally the same they have.

Like… they explain canada has a) Foodwaste/Paper and b) plastic.
Later on they say US has a) compost and b) plastic and c) glass.

Foodwaste/Paper is the same as compost. Like. WTF is the confusion there?

van Gogh would probably be happy to see his work being plagiarized, see his reaction to his paintings in the documentary on Doctor Who.

kick scooters are awesome.
They give you the portability of a skateboard and the control of a bike