Level1 News February 20 2018: Siri & Cortana, The Pig Farmers | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-february-20-2018-siri-cortana-pig-farmers
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Is there a transcription of these videos somewhere? I can’t afford the data to watch right now and I need an L1T fix!

I suspect that we will very quickly see a anti-trust lawsuit against google because of the builtin adblocker. They are now in the position where the only ads they server are their own and this hurts everyone but them.

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Man, I am glad I never used Notepad ++ .

Also, not surprised by the Skype DLL issue either. UWP seems so terrible. Games under the Windows store still have terrible performance because of all the DRM.

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Auto generated of course.

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The Indian cow ID system isn’t about respecting cows, or (primarily about) bureaucracy run amok, it’s part of a slow-moving class- and religion-based attempt to demonize muslims and no-caste dalits (‘untouchables’ – people who are have it much worse, and who are treated with much more disdain, than humans who are dismissed as ‘trailer trash’ in the US), many of who rely for their livelihoods – or food – on trading or eating cows.
Cows do get (sold – by Hindus, too – to be) slaughtered, but they are very hypocritical about it, and tell themselves that selling (to someone who you know will kill) is morally okay, it’s only the slaughtering itself that’s “wrong”, So the slaughter mostly happens the Muslim states, where they are transported from the rest of india. The Hindu-nationalist Modi govt is in bed with a lot of folks who dislike non-hindus for existing (and/or ‘out-breeding’, and the usual dog-whistle supremacist stuff).

(Note that india is one of the largest leather and beef exporters in the world – it’s not rocket science, just discrimination-enabling hypocrisy.)

@ryan About FreeDSB+FCC * murica* * EU_point_laugh*

Confinement livestock for slaughter is a bad example of livestock. Its a piss/poor method that is at the mercy of any medical issue.

If given a choice, most animals will never choose such a thing. Its mass produce methods that in the long run will end in epidemics both animal and people. Everyone expects their bacon :slight_smile:

Free range without heavy medication is a supreme form and food. You would be amazed how bad confinement / feed/ medication has actually changed the food supply.

Podcast seems broken, ends at 7:28.


“Updating x370 motherboard without cpu” content seems to be lacking



That one is being constantly monitored. In fact there are strategies for preventing eruptions; like siphoning heat from it and such. That particular volcano is an existential risk factor. It’s a biosphere killer. Scientists are working on prevention methods because we can’t leave yet; and prevention is probably easier than leaving anyway.


It’s kind of like a tiger in a cage. We’ve learned to give them environments that simulate nature; but we still try to control each other. Humans in cages are more dangerous than tigers in cages. We’re beginning to figure this out; and it’s drugs that are being used to mitigate it… with little to no positive result.

Huxleyan implications might be more accurate.


There are some interesting trends that follow economic states. When growth is pretty consistent, societies become more liberal; especially in empires. Growth maximum tends to be accompanied with trends toward conservatism. This appears to be far left liberals becoming more conservative in different ways. One person or groups liberties (generally minorities) are being conserved over general liberties. It’s pretty much a move toward Neo-liberalism (which is what happens when you allow stupid people to run things). It’s “political solutions” to systemic problems that tend to enable some at the expense of others. It’s dangerous for everyone in the long run.

These people need to get a clue!


Uhhh… well… Here’s what’s needed:


That is not true, as was discussed extensively here, and unfortunately not mentioned at all by @wendell or @ryan:

Google is not the only one setting the rules. They are part of a committee. Everyone who adheres to the rules is not in any danger of being blocked.
Of course that is the given path, if it is implemented properly is a different question.

29:54 - OS X Input Vulnerabilities

Isn’t this the exact same situation on Linux? IIRC Xorg has nothing to prevent this kind of thing from happening, or even windows collecting all keystrokes like a keylogger; in which case, running proprietary third party code on Linux would be just as bad if not worse. Part of the real solution is, of course, don’t run code you can’t trust.

56:26 - FreeBSD hugging

Anyone else remember hugging in the US TV show, NCIS?

Why can’t we just have:

  1. Focus on the project
  2. Be excellent to each other

@wendell why is there 050 or 05050 in your address bar on screen?

OBS camera/scene shortcuts and he was in the address bar on accident.


00:58 - Damore Memo

I’m curious, how many here have read the Damore Memo?

  • Have not read it
  • Have read part of it
  • Have read all of it

0 voters

If the devs are going to be chatting each other up via Git, would that make git push --force considered to be rape?