Level1 News August 1 2018: You Shall Not MoviePass! | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-august-1-2018-you-shall-not-moviepass

I’m pretty sure I saw those Boston Dynamics dogs before… was that a different experiment, did they have any advancements or what was with that story :thinking:

Ah well, they just re-uploaded/-linked a video from Feb in the article
So article is essentially just about them being commercially available in the future.

Windows Update:
I still don’t get this. I have Windows 10 since the Tech Preview and not once in those years has it randomly restarted and updated for me. I don’t know if it’s a regional thing or what, but I never had that. I set the busy times thingy and it just waits until I manually restart.
Sometimes it will just sit there with the “Update and Restart” option in the shutdown menu for days because I just set it to Hibernate. The only thing that it does sometimes is just turn back on and be like “hey bro I want an update, restart me”. But it never even once just randomly restarted.

Am I really the only one with that experience?

Nintendo suing people (again):
While I can understand they want to protect their copyright, I don’t understand what’s the big deal about those old games… I mean… realistically, the only way you can legally still get those old games is the used market, and Nintendo doesn’t get any kind of money from there, so… why? Not to mention that you can’t even buy the consoles anymore… and not every game is available for their own emulators either… so… whhyyyy Nintendo… people just like your games.
I can totally understand this for new games, but 20 year old shit? why?

If we’re going for what we were talking about in the lounge MS office 365 won’t change in price because its going to go to a monthly pay model in order to make that “everything as a service” thing come true.

regarding the lettuce thing: Yea its going to be completely automated now. I’m still waiting on a way of doing trees. Trees are still an issue.

The Boston dynamics thing is actually not that new. But I REALLY want one. Like really really really bad. Those things are sooo cool. It reminds me of Fahrenheit 451 though, the robot dog in there.

Their reasoning is that its their brand, they need to keep thier brand as “good” as possible, its the same story with Disney and Mickey. Both are essentially apart of modern culture, but they aren’t gonna give up control of that brand for anything.

Nope. That’s everyone’s experience from what i can see, except maybe 2 people who insist otherwise.

The defaults are crap, and it will reboot at 5pm if you don’t change the defaults… IF you repeatedly ignore windows constantly telling you it has updates ready and will reboot soon.

They need A/B partitions, but that’s a way off i think.

depends on the edition of windows and the regional sku

(Watson and medicine)

You’ll never get IBM to admit it but Watson is a glorified expert system. There are much better choices for things like diagnostics and bioinformatics. Don’t judge the endeavor by Watson’s performance.

That doesn’t keep their brand in any good light tho.

we know the purpose of the screws.
@wendell fidget toys .

That wasn’t obvious?

When wendell said he doesn’t like going to walmart because of the people. I thought how bad can it be. So I went to the website peopleatwalmart.com

That’s a lot of fat people not knowing how to dress properly. Also many men wearing women’s clothes. WTF…
Some naked people too. In europe you can go into shops in bikini if there is a beach or swimming pool nearby otherwise you get weird looks.

This is my favourite.