Level1 News April 23 2018: The Prime Minister & The Prisoner of Icekaban | Level One Techs

Sorry about the audio levels! Was trying a software compressor in obs to see if it improves the audio quality but forgot to add it to the browser scene! :D

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-april-23-2018-prime-minister-prisoner-icekaban

Some parts of Alaska (Anchorage) already have fiber internet. :grinning:


got a correction for ryan. shooting through the windshield from outside the car doesnt effect the bullet. if you shoot from inside the car it makes it more difficult to aim through the broken cracked glass, but from outside you dont need to worry about it.

Software defined radios:

I use Signal Info for my phone. You have dialer codes from all the carriers. If you need to switch carriers due to poor reception/find a 4G-LTE signal, it works great. :wink:

I haven’t used it in the past few months because ATT finally decided to get 4G in my area. Unless I forced a carrier change with my app, I would be stuck with 2G Edge…

Full disclosure: I have Google-Fi, and they have contracts with all the carriers to provide service to my phone.

These cops must have just finished watching The 6th Day when the idea of using a dead person’s finger to bypass security (only source I could find sorry).


Facebook is dangerous because they are a platform for political lies and manipulation (social engineering). Though they are inept at producing favorable outcomes, they are good at the old divide and conquer scheme. They are very good at manipulating masses with impulsive responses, away from conscious, deliberate, critical thought. This makes them most dangerous. The zombie apocalypse has begun.

This audit is the first stage of things getting better for Facebook. No matter what, the subsidies will flow until they no longer provide that political function; or someone else provides it better.

We like to believe in free will; but there is no evidence for it… what so ever. Those of us who feel we are “woke” are just part of another collective consciousness. That’s what the evidence suggests. Like it or not. Facebook is tapped into and manipulating a majority; and that makes them far more dangerous.

The difference in Facebook’s model is active political engagement; not just financial influence through lobbying. It’s never about the money. It’s about the implications of the money. Even so Facebook is still the largest social media site. I doubt that any other single actor has broken the system more than Facebook.

Don’t fall for this “display” of vulnerability. It’s probably a ruse.

(internet regulation)

I doubt that regulators in various countries will get the point until they have made internet 2.0 so insecure that it no longer functions -> in the way they wish it to <-. Bruit force is their method of choice; and they can’t see the unfavorable effects, because they don’t understand the system. It’s completely alien to them. For instance, the only thing that Comey ever said that made sense was when he criticized the security culture of the State Department. He thinks it’s a one way door… still. These people are not going to get it until they see it for themselves; because they are still under the impression that they know better. Even the instrumental tech giants are clueless. The probability of this being fixed seems slim to none. There is no one in a position to fix this that could. The urine content of the bath water has poisoned the baby. Internet 2.0 is a nascent stage technology that is becoming obsolete. Regulation will not help.

(Cambridge Analytica)

Following the trends, it seems that we’re becoming an information society. Privacy isn’t something that has been a large part of human history until recently. Privacy, like it or not, is a bit of a red herring. It’s a modern social construct that seems to be becoming less valuable.

It’s not so much that information is being sold as it is about the manner in which it’s being sold. It’s being captured and sold by aggregating actors. That’s the main issue, because of the far reaching implications. Cambridge Analytica would be making a poor investment in my opinion; because of how this can be turned on it’s head to benefit the public. This is part of The Economic Space Agency’s working model. They are working on giving data back to the individual to be leveraged as a currency; in and of itself. The young researchers at ECSA are much more prepared than CA. I suspect that they’ll be undercut; when the shite hits the fan.


Assuming continued centralization when the trend is exponential decentralization, is probably a bad assumption.

Correction for you: never use a youtube video as a source. People on youtube are just a bunch of morons talking out their ass.

Source: am one.

Also clearly that’s a 5.56/.308 or better rifle they’re talking about there. Beat cops use handguns, which have bullets moving a LOT slower. Plenty of caliber-nazi cops tell horror stories of .45 actually being deflected by a windshield because of the low muzzle velocity.

Here’s an equally useless source to counter your useless source:

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Only one way to find out, Ryan. Get in your car and tell Wendel to shoot you through the windshield with a handgun. Pretty sure the ad revenue of such a viral video will suffice to pay for the new windshield … or the funeral.
If you were wrong, at least you won’t have to admit it. :wink:

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This is engagement.

No, because YouTube doesn’t care about external forums :stuck_out_tongue:

“Turns out the main roads are so insanely congested in L.A. that to get from A to B is gonna take you 30 minutes and it’s just 5 miles away.”

^how about walking instead?

Also @L1T, audio is a tiny bit louder while you were showing the pages, and a bit quieter when you were on camera, little weird :smiley:

Pfft, ruin my fun

ah strawman and fallacy fallacy. one bad source does not make two, and even if both are bad or poorly argued that does not make one incorrect. you could argue the earth is round because god uses it as a bowling ball, but that does not make the earth flat.

i stand by my source. he actually goes out and test this on a car. dont have enough info for pistols but i assume its the same as rifles. believe what you will.