Level0Techs Presents the Ranking of Mountain Dews: The Official Thread of the Movie

That is a good point. How good it is depends on if the taco bell you get it from is running low on carbonation or not, and also if you let it go too long and the ice melts too much.

2liter [who says US doesnt adopt metric!] and crushed ice or “clean” snow is best for consistency and also quality; to knock down the syrupyness IMO.

They’re putting baja blast out in like june with two other flavors, we’re gonna have to try those too.

It might be worth going to taco bell and doing a compare/contrast with the bottled at the same time…

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My friend said it was summer breeze

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Thanks for the shout out and yes Live Wire is amazing.

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Why does that mountain dew sound like a car perfume?


Episode 4 is up! 4 dews this week

we have hella mountain dews up in this



btw I picked up something very stupid at the grocery yesterday, so get hype for next week’s show

Remember to vote everyone! xD

Everyone, I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is this week’s video is gonna be a day or two late.

The good news? Next week, it’s Baja time.