Good evening eveyone.
Wondering if anyone has came across this issue in the past. Hardware list below just in case its an issue with any of those items
Keyboard = Pok3r
Mouse = Glorious Wireless
Audio Interface = Evo4
Laptop dock = Lenovo USB-C Dock
Display port cables have been no problem at all. used the recomended from the site.
Computer is plugged in directly to the USB, The work laptop is plugged in via a lenovo V2 dock ( red bottom ) then thunderbolt to the laptop.
Recently ive noticed that the USB bus or interface kinda shits itself and the audio dropps but comes back. however the last few days it’s changed.
I could be on the computer for hours then the USB interface dropps and the keyboard and mouse never comes back, when i remove the USB from the keyboard it sounds like the laptop is making the connect/disconnect windows sound ont he USB interface. but this makes no difference on the actual active KVM. i can make it happen on request by plugging in a usb device to the front port, this could be just chargeing the mouse or plugging in a fido key. Ive been using a usb extention and just manualy switching between them at the desk when fido is required between the devices.
On windows it shows as "Unknown USB Device ( Port reset Failed ) " within device manager
And Properties within that showing
Location Port_#0001 Hub_#0007
Port 1,2,3,6 all show the same error within Device manager below
Windows stoped this device because it has reported problems ( Code 43)