Level 1 Philosophicum [topic proposals and polls]

This is a companion thread to “Level 1 Philosophicum”. Anything that is not a topic request goes over there.

Any ideas for the next discussion topic of the philosophicum can go here. We will have a vote every month on the next topic.

The idea behind the Level1 philosophicum is to discuss ideas and topics of philosophy (in a wider sense) like nature, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. The idea behind this thread originated from a discussion in the lounge started by @redgek and @anon46267848 about the nature of time and whether it is real. Further example topics would be

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Is technological progress a net positive for humanity?
  • When is something “real”?
  • Is Occam’s Razor a universally good heuristic in science?
  • Was Thanos right?

The Rules

Feel free to add your topic suggestions and add as much detail to your topic as you think is needed but also have one clear headline. We will have a poll one week before the end of each month in order to have a new topic ready at the beginning of the next one.

Reasons that we will reject your Topic:

  • The topic/question too vaguely, meaning too much room for interpreting what is the core question
  • The topic/question based on an assumption that is neither proven nor based on facts or relating studies
  • The topic/question is closely related to another topic that has been proposed[1]
  • The topic/question was already discussed[2]
  • The topic/question is obviously not serious nature and is used for trolling
  • The topic/question violates the forums roles and/or guidelines[3]

[1] To mitigate this, find a way of formulation your topic and the already proposed topic so we can argue the root topic, since you proven that there are more dimensions to the question, or you and the other user need to be more specific in your question.

[2] You can ask that you already articulated thoughts on that matter will find their way into the thread. This will not open the thread again.

[3] this will be reported to the authorities

If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to ask @anotherriddle or @BookrV in this thread .


A post was merged into an existing topic: Level 1 Philosophikum
Requested by @redgek.

If you take your brain, split it in half, and put it into two separate bodies
(Assuming they both live) which one is you?


or better yet is even your brain you? is the mind separate from the biology that “made” it? your body does things that are in the interest of you but the mind has more control? is the biology making your choices or is your mind?

  • How to find meaning in life?

I think that is a better proposal to discuss.

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I am the right kind of crazy to confirm that at least in my case I can be certain my physical brain has nothing to do with my identities. Really it is just the piece of hardware we are stuck running on.


i like this but this is not a place to discuss just a suggestion board

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Can we do one on the simulation hypothesis. I think the conversations would be rather interesting.


Are you there yet to see “your” thoughts are not yours but just a field of all thoughts?, and that your ego grabbs them to make them “yours”

There has been research that determened that desicions are made befor the brain kicks in, some times by seconds not miliseconds so free will is taken into question.

again this is not a place for discussion


How did life begin?

  • How did life begin? How we define life precisely?
  • What is Meaning and how to incorporate in life?
  • What is “real” and how we deal with “reality”?
  • What is “technological progress” and is it a net positive for all?
  • Is Okhams Razor the best heuristic in scientific processes?

0 voters

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1 hour left to vote




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I missed this thread.

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For February we need a new Poll, that will open on the 24th so we have a week to vote, so we need topics to vote on.

So I would say:

Post topics you want to discuss but as I debated with @anotherriddle you have to state the question in a relatively condensed form, meaning: think about the root question you wanna ask and articulate that accordingly.


Reasons that I will reject your Topic:

  • The topic/question too vaguely, meaning too much room for interpreting what is the core question
  • The topic/question based on an assumption that is neither proven nor based on facts or relating studies
  • The topic/question is closely related to another topic that has been proposed '1
  • The topic/question was already discussed '2
  • The topic/question is obviously not serious nature and is used for trolling
  • The topic/question violates the forums roles and/or guidelines '3

'1 (To mitigate this, find a way of formulation your topic and the already proposed topic so we can argue the root topic, since you proven that there are more dimensions to the question, or you and the other user need to be more specific in your question)

'2 (You can ask that you already articulated thoughts on that matter will find their way into the thread. This will not open the thread again.)

'3 (this will be reported to the authorities)

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