Hi, a recent recipent of the DISPLAY PORT 1.4 KVM SWITCH - DUAL MONITOR 2-PORTS. Until the weekend it was working great on both Window/Linux. But this morning - it’s refusing to work on my either machine.
Windows Device Manager is reporting “Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)”.
On the KVM it’s self - it seems pretty dead. PC1/2 indicator lights are green - indicating USB is connected. But neither is red - showing channel selected. And the selector button does not give the usual friendly beep. USB hub doesn’t work.
I’ve tried the usual steps. Uninstalling from DevMan, rebooting. Powering off/on etc. all to no avail!
HELP - greatly appreciated! It was working really well until today.
I’m on windows right now - the day job calls. But if anyone has got ideas on how to debug/interrogoate on with windows/linux (ubuntu) then please lmk and i’ll update this post.