Level 1 Gains

Die Wirtsleut und die Mädel, die rufen beid: Oh weh!
Die Wirtsleut, wenn ich komme, die Mädel, wenn ich geh.

Words to live by.

Sorry about the pizza xD

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I’m pretty sure I felt like shit because I ate all that pizza. I’m pretty sure I was feeling the cognitive benefits of the keto coffee the days before that though I just didn’t try working out on it

also im not completely out of “ketosis” as in i still have some ketones doing their thing.

man, it feels so fucking devastating when you not doing progress but instead regress.

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I believe in you all… fuck belief. Make a plan and stick to it.

Drinking my version of “Keto” coffee… not really… it is just coffee laced with weed… mmmm.

Oh and I do have a sort of question. I am where I want to be physically, mostly (hurt ligaments lift little weight). I got here in about 4-6 months, 14 months in right now. I have boatloads of energy, and I sleep like a champ (sleep is important).

I do about 40%-60% carbs/sugars now, probably. If I went to a 10% carb diet, would I have be even more energetic? I don’t know if that would be a good thing.

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Hmmm… probably not “more” energetic, but if you’re burning fat instead of carbs you don’t get the blood sugar ups and downs. Endurance type stuff will be easier due to the ability to more easily burn body fat reserves.

So you’ll likely be more consistent.

Supposedly also - a lot of the foods with carbs in them encourage lactic acid (?) production in your muscles during exercise, which makes exercise hurt more. So you may find exercise easier under keto (assuming you get enough electrolytes! see below).

I have found that i am sleeping better, more instantly awake in the morning (even before coffee - basically rub sleep out of my eyes and i’m switched on), not tired after meals, etc.

That’s my experience so far anyway.

I’m not sure if 10% carbs is enough for keto or not (depends on your total intake), but if you can get to and stick under 20g net carbs per day that will get you into ketosis in a day or two. Then you’ll have the sugar crash/cravings (and you definitely will based on your current carb intake) for a day or two at some point.

But after that, so long as you’re eating enough fat (and also make sure you’re getting enough electrolytes - sodium, potassium and magnesium - otherwise you might get cramps/muscle tiredness like i did last week - supplements fixed it pretty much same day), all good. More stable mood, energy levels, etc. Skipping meals is not an issue. Very rarely am i feeling “hungry”, doing keto, and skipping (or having a small) dinner or breakfast is pretty easily done.

Intermittent fasting (which keto seems to make very easy to do, as your body isn’t craving carbs all the time) has its own benefits.


You would be like ted nugent.

Yeah, no… definitely no Keto for me then =D.

But he does paleo. Not keto.


4 eggs
Grated Parmesan cheese
Cubes of Greek feta cheese
Smoked Salmon
Baby spinach
Salt and pepper

Like 15-20 mins to make
Tastes great
Low carb



Cous cous salsad replacing cous cous with cauliflower “rice”. Chicken breast. Mayo


Keto friendly chocolate cheesecake brownies (1 carb each - non sugar sweetening).

My gf is a keto cookery sorcereress.


jesus christ dude, marry her or, i swear to god, i will. thats wife material right there. damn!

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Working on it… :+1:

She’s doing the keto thing as well and has a sweet tooth so has spent a lot of time on reddit and other places looking for food hacks.

She seems to be enjoying the challenge of making regular food keto friendly without compromising taste - enjoys cooking.


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So, today is 1 month in on Keto.

Before new year i was around 106 kg
This morning i was 98.4 kg
Better sleep
Wake up better

I have been eating as much as i like (i am NOT calorie counting as the GF is, my only concern is limiting carb intake), just restricting the types of food i can eat.

Going to give it til the end of feb before any sort of carb cheating, so far so good. Apparently 6 weeks or so is around the time i should be properly fat adapted or something, so we shall see.

I did notice exercise performance did drop off a bit between 1-3 weeks in (say 5-10% off pace). I am cycling. Endurance has gone up but speed seems to have slipped during weeks 2-4 but today it seems to be coming back up. Just had a ride i thought was gonna be real slow, but was 2nd best time on a few of the sectors i ride and it was 37c today (would have been about 28-30c when i did the ride this evening).

Given how hot it was today, i’d say speed is back to where it was…

went from 235lbs to 175 last spring. Went back up to 185 around the Holidays. Gonna try to get back down to 175 before my vacation near the end of the month. The plan is being stricter with my low carb diet, less beer and more whiskey, and maybe some exercise if this polar vortex thing ends soon.


Just be careful of pig fat. That is hard for people without type o blood to metabolize. I would stick with lamb or pheasant long term. As those are easier to metabolize. And more lean. Oh, and you really don’t need to eat beef unless you are a girl. And stick with the goat cheese. That’s also easier to metabolize.

No! Drink wine instead. It’s less refined in sugars. Refined sugars are a no go. And you get a better quality buzz from wine.

Not a big change since last time I posted. I just increased from 3100 to 3200 kcal/day. Weight is still trending upwards. Shooting for slow and steady gains with minimal increase in body fat. Will be coming up on a period of a small deficit in a few weeks to trim back some fat. Still running roughly 20% protein, 50% carbs, 30% fat.

My understanding is that in regards to weight loss, anything other than calories in vs calories out, is pseudo science. If I get just as drunk consuming fewer calories with whiskey. That is whats important in regards to weight loss.

Also, wine tends to make me drink more because once you open a bottle of wine, you want to finish it soon. Also wine is usually more expensive. a decent bottle of wine is at least $15; probably more like $20-$25. A good bottle of whisky might be $50 and will last me longer than 2 or 3 bottles of wine.

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Calories are not what you need to worry about. It’s the sugars you need to worry about. If you want the best hard liquor that is good for keto. It’s saki. I prefer chilled coconut saki because it doesn’t hurt the ph balance of your body.