"lets finish setting up your device" Windows 10 prompt

I keep randomly getting the office 365 Advertisement disguised as a setup feature pop up after I log in.

It headlines “lets finish setting up your device” and offers 3 useless things I don’t remember and a recommendation for 365 (Open office, wordpad and notepad is just fine for my needs)

Naturally the options are “Continue” and “Skip for now”.

I’ve done some digging with no luck. It’s not a huge issue since it is just 1 click, problem solved for a few weeks.

Anyone know of a more permanent fix for this?

Should be an option in settings.

Settings > System > Notifications & actions > Suggest ways I can finish setting up my device to get the most out of Windows

Although I’d suggest to just turn off all notifications.

They are off, Maybe I should disable updates again? Last time I did that was 2 years ago and an application I use didn’t accept the version of w10 I was using


Is it a full screen notification, or one of the notifications that pop up in one of the corners once you get to your desktop?

That setting should turn off the small notifications.

The large fullscreen ones usually come after a big update a few times a year. There’s a specific registry edit you can make that will turn it off, but I don’t remember what it is off the top of my head.

I got that in the last day or so. Must not approve of your privacy settings.

It’s a fullscreen one, pop up right after login

Here’s a thread on Microsoft support forums that seems to be about what you are experiencing:


I’d suggest the steps the users in their have listed.

I’m not really sure why Windows would nag you about them. I do have MS Office on all my computers, but that’s it and I’ve yet to receive that fullscreen notification.

This is a question about a Windows thing in the Windows category. Can we not jump straight to saying “Use Linux” unless the OP specifically asks for it?

Honestly It could be any number of reasons, but I do suspect not having office 365 is the answer. I’ve added the reg keys and hopefully it’ll be fixed.

Thanks for the help!

If I see the popup again I’ll try to just add it here in case someone else stumbles on to the same issue.