Ubisoft just KEEPS on Digging, We all know that. With the Horse-shit that Ubisoft tried to pull on Watch_Dogs, was like "okay.... just stop" Ubisoft saying 30FPS was a better Experience and Resolution doesn't matter added fuel to the fire.
Now for the Massive Lulz that I must present to you is this.
Apparently there is Issues with Assassin's Creed Unity. Its Runs Horribly on PC and on the Consoles, and has a Bunch of Graphical Issues and FPS issues we are aware of this if you watched a few reviews or read a few articles (In-case you wear a Tin-Foil Hat or Live under a rock) i kid, kid,
Someone Found a Fix for it. You know what it was?
Drum Roll..........................
Playing the Game in OFFLINE mode.
So a User on Reddit apparently decided to play the game On Offline Mode on his PS4. and it Fixed MOST of the Minor Issues. and to throw a pie at Ubisoft's Face, This "Fix" Also Works on PC. apparently some people have mentioned that their FPS have DOUBLED since playing the Game Offline.
So for Hard-Core Fans of Assassin's Creed. You can probably enjoy your game a bit for now, if you are a PC User or PS4 User. and Xbox Users have nothing to worry about because for some reason Xbox One Version has less issues than the other Platforms..
Ubisoft I Fart in your general direction.