Mainly posting to complane but also to possibly get some advice.
I dug out an old Lenovo ideapad that needed a refresh before I used it. So as you do I re-installed windows. All initialy went well (Although apparently it is only a 32 bit machine, oh well) Everything installed nicely and after removing the windows games already I started spotting problems.
Missing touchscreen controlls, battery indecator, audio, SD card reader, Camera
So obviosly the Lenovo driver to connect to the “Tablet components” was not there.
OK update, Failed
Manual generic driver install, Failed
All lenovo drivers i found, Failed
Lenovos own system dyagnostics, Failed (Dit get the TPM working though)
I am skint out of ideas.
I would be tempted to use it as a regular laptop with no touch and bluetooth audio but having no battery indecator is a killer.
First thing I would try would be any sort of chipset or motherboard driver for that model. Do you get an error code, BSOD, or anything that could indicate what the installation issue is?
I have a Think Pad e595 that I tried to “restore” Windows 10 on.
Using the instructions and the drivers supplied directly from Lenovo. Wasted the better part of two days with no joy.
Go download a tool called 3dpchip. I use it to get drivers on weird d via chipsets and stuff. It searches on driverCAB
And no windows will always end up in driver issues. If you want a working machine go with the os that has all the drivers to whatever the hell you could possibly use pre-packed