So I'm part of a "broadcasting class" that's starting up at my high school. Last year we didn't do much but this year we're actually going to try to do a lot since our studio is almost fully up and running (I have to go in and hook up a few extra monitors and deal with the joys of LAN video streaming and then we're on, should I do a thread about how we set up our studio?) of course one of the first things we hear about is "YALL SHOULD FILM FOOTBALL GAMES!" because of course, we should film football games. (and other sports events) My immediate thought was "Oh good grief the rough asphalt and gravel will destroy our camera dolly". My second thought was "We'll never really be able to get a good angle will we?" and my third thought was "...this might be a good excuse to play with an expensive camera drone."
I asked my broadcasting teacher, who is not computer-illiterate but is not "a nerd" either (bear that in mind while reading this) about it, mostly wondering if we could get a grant or something for purchasing the drone. She told me something to the effect of "oh yeah we had someone try that once, and the police came and told them they couldn't fly drones on a high school campus". (that is not verbatim, that's ~ what I remember)
We're around Huntsville, Alabama (think Redstone Arsenal and Marshall Space Flight Center) and I'm wondering if anyone knows about the laws regarding drones in Alabama. Was the policemen straight-up lying about this (I doubt it but could be)? Is there some kind of specific regulation they could've been breaking (for example, no UAVs over 100ft on a high school campus)? I'm trying to figure out a loophole with this, because if we get rid of the legal issues a drone would be absolutely amazing to have for us. We could use it for every sports event known to man, pep rallies, videos for important political nonsense, promo videos for various things, the list goes on.
TL;DR: A policeman apparently told someone they couldn't fly their camera equipped aircraft on a high school campus during a football game. We're in the Huntsville, Alabama area. Does anyone know about the laws regarding drones in Alabama? Loophole for this? I'm in a film class and we want a drone really bad.