Left 4 Dead 2 November 17th

I have just been watching the Microsoft E3 press conference and a trailer for Left 4 Dead 2 came on. It is set in [color=#393939; font-family: arial; font-size: 11px][color=#ffffff]New Orleans, it looks like the zombies stay alive after there arms have been shot off as well as legs, there is new characters including a African-American girl and man as well as a red-neck. There is a new tank sort of zombie and then it finished with Nov 17th. Looks awesome!!!![/color][/color]

Here is the trailer[color=#000000][size= 13px], http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK8X7Qw_bb8&feature=channel_page[/size][/color]

Was just uploading it to my account no point now. It looks sweet as hell! Thanks for the comment.

I am glad you didn't make a blog out of this, lol. So many non-blog worthy blogs that belong in the forum.

But on topic, Valve doesn't need to release this already. They just want the money it might make. What i am really wanting is some EP3 info in this E3.

part 1 of 8 gameplay vid[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3solsDfN8&feature=channel_page]


Ugh, l4d2 really?

Anybody else strongly believe this should be a "DLC"?

Its basically the same engine with new map, weapon & skin right?
Just like Dynasty Warrior 1,2,3,4,5,6 & Gundam 1 &2. Hahah

You gotta love business.
I'll buy it when steam has it for $10-20 again.

it does look the same lol.

looks like i need this as a b-day present i love how everything comes out around the middle of november i got the wii the day after my b-day! :P

yeah, this should definitely be dlc.
freaking valve.

yes, this should DEFINITELY be released as an expansion pack to L4D. it would make the game so much better, but instead you're going to have two seperate games each with different content and features in them. i always thought the first L4D was too short anyway to call it a full game. but thats corporate greed for you, one game for the price of two!

well it's steam, so it should just be an UPDATE. kinda like what they did with DOD:S. but I personally think this game and the first one sucks, it needs some sort of rank/leveling system so it's worth while replaying the same shit different day. I think episode 3 as well should be their main concern, other than this one hit quitter.

Yea, I'll be in a "fuck you Valve" mood until they say its DLC, not worth paying for. It's like CoD, If you played one of them you've played all of them

hope it has some different elements to it, not just the same as L4D like just somtihng diff from the norm

it was a fun game short but fun.

It's released on my Birthday? Sweet.

They should finish HL2 before even think about L4D2!
L4D is not even done, and they're beggining on the next game?!

  • Maybe EA helped Valve with The Orange Box, and L4D, but that doesn't mean Valve has to be like them! - rushing games on the market? No way!

Honestly, Wanting this to be DLC is just greedy. They made new maps, models, skins, weapons, voices and characters. Valve has been generous over the years with all their free updates for most games and giving so many deals in the steam store. All the work being done on L4D2 isn't free and deserves some incentive. If you guys were the ones working at valve and did a lot of work on a new game, I'm pretty sure you would want to be compensated.

I guess Left 4 Dead has been left for dead. Its only a matter of time before Left 4 Dead 2 is left for dead too.