Least noisey USB AM4 motherboard?

Just to be clear, is the noise you are referring to the hissing in the first part or the 60hz hum in parts 2 and 3 or both?

I had a buddy with USB ground loop issues on a Razer headset before as well. There was a terrible hiss/feedback when using discord on his mic. When he switched the “power” USB plug from his motherboard to a phone brick plugged into the wall the noise was gone. It was on an ASUS Maximus 8 Impact, which in theory was a pretty high end board for Z170.

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I have the same issue I think. try removing anything that is connected to your audio interface which is connected to ground I.E active speakers, and midi equipment that is plugged into the wall. pretty sure this is making the USB data signals jump some how past the DAC and adding to the analogue audio signal.

IFI Defender has helped allot. plug in to usb port and put the usb of the interface into the device also cennect to ground, also make sure everything audio related beyond usb such as speakers are grounded to the same place as well.

Lol. I was trying to find motherboard with usb protected from ground loop and found this. There tons of comments that USB is digital and there cannot be any noise. You are wrong - noise exists and it is different on different motherboards. Problem is in electricity and ground loop.
Look at this example. You connected your mic to the mic interface and connect your headphones to it for monitoring. Interface can get power like from usb, so from the outlet, does not matter. If from the outlet - you can hear your voice clear and nice until you connect the usb cable to record it. As soon as you connect it to the PC buzzing sound will appear. Usb does not care that it is digital - it will through volts to you cables and depending on the motherboard and ground loop protection introduce such a loud buzzing sound in the monitoring that you will die trying to make your podcast. I check that different motherboard have different noises - was not able to find absolutely noiseless one. The only way I found is to use monitor output of the interface and connect it to the sound card 3.5 input instead of usb. But this workaround is not good. On 3rd stream for some reason the sound card (SoundBlaster, btw) decided that I am too loud and simple lowered the mic by 50% w/o any reason - only PC reboot fixed the issue. With USB connect I did not have this problem for 2 years.

As far as I know this product is a scam.