Okay so the question is simple. Should someone who has never opened a pc case before buy an old broken pc, spare parts from scrap yard etc and practice and learn how to make their pc first, and then buy the expensive shizz to make a better computer after they are confident they won't break anything? Or is it a better idea to buy the complicated parts and learning via the tek syndicate videos here? Multiple opinions appreciated :)
Go for the build you want, just be careful and don't make assumption. If you get to some point that confuses you you could always ask us on here for advice on how to advance.
Assembly is easy the hard part is making sure all the parts work together, make a build or just give us a price point and we can make sure you get exactly what you need. Then just watch Logan's vid and go to town.
Go big, people and videos will always be there to help and if you really want you can take a class (if you`re in school) on how to build computers if you really want. It`s really not a hard task to build a computer.
I wouldn't spend more than $20 on one, if you have any qeustions feel free to ask
spend all your money and new parts. just watch youtube videos or hit up the forms if you need help.
I learned by playing with used parts back in the eighty's and ninty's before i took any classes and got my certs, you learn bunches that way without having to dump huge piles of cash into it, unlike this power hungry beast sitting beside me here, first modem was 1200 baud. you could send a 5k message in 30 minits, I started with a crapped out 8086 with a 4 color monitor, went to a 286 with 24 megs of ram, Sipps and a extended memory card.....2 10 meg hard drives dos box....been building and gaming for a very long time now.