Fisrt and foremost excuse for my english i'm a french students and i do my well.
So, i post here in this awesome community to try to learn more about my pc and technologic news, like how to get more perfomance, know what it's hide to people generally ... many stuff that internet can't give me without the aprehention i have that they don't tell everything to us, and i don't get well with the impresion to be a sheep in eyes of society.
My first question i have, it's how can i optimize and control my SSD (like software i don't know exactly), i have a SSD SamsungSSD840Series 111.79 Go SATA III and this is my configuration :
_Windows 8.1 Professionnel (X64)
_AMD FX-6100 Cadencé à 3.30 GHz
_ASUSTeK Computer INC. M5A99X EVO Rev 1.xx
_NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
Thanks for your time.
Windows 8.1 does a decent amount of ssd optimisation on its own. >> this is a half decent guide on what else one can do. http://www.tweakhound.com/2013/11/02/windows-8-1-ssd-settings-etc/
Best of luck.
Thanks deejeta for your help
So i read the topic and i find my WEI score, it's 7.1 for my SSD but i don't understand how to boost it, because my bios tell me that it's a AHCI but samsung magician don't tell me the same. I try to fix it with a topic where i had to change some key on my register to 0 but it's didn't worked enough ... I read something about TRIM but i don't know what is it exactly and how to activate it.
There is no true way to 'boost' the speed of your ssd. Pay no attention to that WEI score - if you were to run a benchmark like 'AS SSD' compare that to what rated speeds are for your drive unless there is a fault with the drive (or its running off a sata2 controller) you'll see very similar speeds.
TRIM is already activated in Win8 +.
AHCI / IDE setting must match that of what the OS has in its registry. Hence the registry hack. If you have the controller set to AHCI and the OS has been installed in IDE mode then it'll fail to boot & BSOD.
If you are experiencing boot failure - change the SATA mode, complete registry hack again, reboot, change to AHCI, reboot again. Follow the instruction to the letter.
Worst case if you cant get anywhere is set controller to AHCI, & re-install Windows.
Like deejeta win8 does a okay job with ssds. I use this guide my self
I finaly follow your link and i'm very happy now about the performance. I start my computer full in around less than 8 second ! And Samsung magician don't find AHCI on my bios but it's activated for my SSD and the TRIM fonction too, i use the comand in the dos to confirm it.
Thanks for all and sorry again for my french english.
put your swap on your hdd, on default it's on your c drive which is probably your ssd.
move your temp to your hdd.
hi @iTr0_0oW, i follow your instruction, i put my temp files on my E: but i don't really know and understand what there's inside and why i have to move it !
And if you mean by "swap" my donwload files i've done it already.
oh srry, swap is called virtual memory. you really don't want that on your ssd.
temp files are your temporary files. in windows they are your tmp and temp.
your temp and tmp are stored on bootdrive\windows\appdata\Temp
TEMP and TMP are in the same folder. you can't just move the folder. you need to go to start, right click computer, properties, advanced settings, environment variables (the lowest box, don't really now how to call it), scroll the lowest box untill you find a variable which is called TEMP. TMP is under it. select it and press the box between new and remove. (i'm dutch so the language is different. change %systemroot% to E: (E is your hdd right?)
do this with your TEMP and TMP
reboot your pc and open a browser and an application like libreoffice or word etc. watch the E:\Windows\Appdata\local\Temp folder and if something is in it your done.
I don't know much about Temporary files but it stores your passwords there from your internet browser, and stuff you haven't save yet like a document your working on. basicly it means lots of writes. Temp files are completely useless so don't worry if it goes wrong.