Leaked AMD slides of the expected R9 295x2

And it turns out, this card will the first reference card with watercooling, which is not an optional feature, sadly. So you will have to get your hands dirty or else, choose another one.

Source (PS: Lots of foamers foaming all over the place over there already amid the excitement, which reminds me of something)

Wow, AMD, why? Nvidia trolled us with their $3000 joke. Now AMD is doing the same thing by making watercooling not an option? But at least they haven't revealed the price yet, so what's the community's prediction?

I would be shocked if its the price of two of the 290x. So i would actually guess 1100 -1200



Why is water cooling a bad thing? I'd be interested in what Asus, MSI, etc...will come up with now.

  1. Placement of the radiator could be limited, especially if you are going to Crossfire them (but really?!)
  2. Watercooling may not be for all people.
  3. If the pump fails un-noticeably, the card could overheat, but who knows? Let's just see.

With how hot their current lineup runs, I'm not surprised at all that they felt that their best option was to watercool from the start.

They probably decided that the type of people who will buy this card are generally OK with AIO loops and have the space to work with it...


watercooling is the best solution for cooling a gpu. this is a flagship card, of course you're gona use the best available cooling method.

295x  = 11 teraflops > titan z = 8 teraflops

wonder what the pricing will be.


i think we can all agree we want one lol

lol the comments on that article. such amd haters.

Meh, just wait till aftermarket water blocks are ready and let the card join in with the loop.

 N.B.: Look at how the video outputs are laid out. If you were ever to put an aftermarket block, you could then try to cut the bracket to reduce the slot.

Well with it haveing its own water cooling unit mean's thay dont have to gimp the clock speeds realy dont like the look of it tho it looks like a shoddy XFX model card..

500W rated power for such a card, is not that bad either. ☺

i was expecting 600+ watts as my 290 pulls 300+ sometimes if im to believe what gpu-z tells me

I feel AMD just GETS IT. Going with water cooling as the only option would be the best because as anarekist said most people would have custom water loops if they were buying this stuff.

I feel as if nVidia shitting their pants right now. There is going to be another Titan version because nVidia totally just shit their pants and its going to have 24GBs of GDDR5 RAM. Because nVidia thinks more ram is better lol.

Titan Z = 5K




GTX 790 and 790 Ti. They left themselves some wiggle room, hahaha

I'm guessing the fan on the Titan will sound like a pile of gravel learned to talk. Least it will be quiet. 


Titan Z, now a response from AMD. Surprise surprise lol

With how hot those darn cores are, it's really no surprise they did this. Plus they can use the use of the radiator as a marketting strategy.

I will laugh when it still hits 95c on both cores. I think it needs more surface area than just ONE 120mm rad. Make yourself some eggs on that poor thing.

There will be custom blocks coming out for both the gtx 790 and the 295x2, and when they do all it takes is one reviewer to get samples of both and put them head to head in benchmarks. 

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