Lcd spread lots of hot

hi, i have a toshiba regza 32lv733g , and because of the heat it spreads out(it is full hd lcd display 32"), i can't use it so much as i want, so i'm wondering if i can add something like a fan on the bache for cool it down

Try lowering the brightness a bit if possible, that would make it run a little less hot.

already done, it is still hot, can i do anything other?


TV, as oppose to PC monitors tend to produce a lot more heat in general. Specially, an old technology such as yours. Also, TVs where never meant to be setup in a desktop configuration so if you're using it in that manner your close proximity to it could amplify the sensation of the heat.

okay, thanks for the help

Perhaps treat your tv like you would with any other console a living room setup. We have a 40' 1080p monitor in the living room where I use to play my PS3 with, and I've never have problems with heat.


I kinda want a media center/gaming living room set up.

Nothing to do with consoles, i think gaming on a couch is a little more comfortable.